

To elucidate this concept further, consider the following example: The endpoint URL corresponds to the underlying endpoint referencedata/rest/v3/businesspartners/lookup. In essence, the SAP ODM API operates as a transformation "proxy" for this underlying API. It does not inject additional business content but serves as an intermediary layer, ensuring that the data exchanged aligns with the SAP ODM standard.

Known issues

AR.NRC Data Source (Registro Nacional de Sociedades).


The CDQ services cannot transform the Argentinian postal codes to the SAP ODM format. The provided postal code contains a 4-digit number, while the SAP ODM requires an 8-digit number.

Due to this limitation, the Business Partner cannot be saved to SAP services without manual addition of 4 missing digits.

Model transformation

The SAP ODM endpoint's primary objective is to offer a seamless integration of CDQ Data Model into the SAP One Domain Model, ensuring that the information is readily accessible and compatible with SAP systems.

CDQ Data Model SAP One Domain Model
name formattedOrgName
identifiers taxNumbers/identifications with their types
legal form category legal form

Warm up

To check possible requests and response select one of the following options:

  • Request for CDQ Data Model
  • Request for SAP One Domain Model
  • Response


Request for CDQ Data ModelRequest for SAP One Domain ModelResponse
{"businessPartner": {
   "names": [{
           "value": "SAP"
   "addresses": [{
           "country": {
               "shortName": "DE"
{"businessPartner": {
    "jsonRecord": {
        "organization": {
            "nameDetails": {
                "formattedOrgName": "SAP"
        "addressData": [{
                "organizationPostalAddress": {
                    "country": {
                        "code": "DE"
    "cdqId": "DE.RC:B1601_HRB719915",
        "aleiPrefix": "DE.RC",
        "name": "Common register portal of the German federal states" 
    "storageDataSource": { },
      "matchingScores": {
          "value": 0.95,
          "explanation": "BP: [overall: [NAME: 0.95; overall: 0.95;]] A: [overall: [COUNTRY_SHORTNAME: 0.5; overall: 0.5;]]"
        "businessPartner": {},
        "address": {}
      "names":  [],
      "legalForm":  {},
      "identifiers":  [],
      "status":   {},
      "addresses":  [],
      "externalId": "B1601_HRB719915",
      "jsonRecord": {
        "organization": {
          "nameDetails":  {
            "formattedOrgName": "SAP SE",
            "formattedOrgNameLine1": "SAP SE"
        "displayId": "B1601_HRB719915",
        "addressData": [],
        "identifications": [],
        "businessPartnerType": "organization"


To check above example go to the Business Lookup page and use interactive console.