Uploading CSV/XLS data


Please note that this instruction is deprecated. To follow the up-to-date file upload process use the Request Upload.


This step-by-step instruction guides the user through data upload process. Uploaded data can be used with Use Case Enablers.


In this instruction user will learn how to:

  1. Create the Data Storage,
  2. Upload the desired data,
  3. Read uploaded data,
  4. Delete unused data storage.

Step 1 Create a storage

Skip this step if a Data Storage was created before. You can use it multiple times for your files. Get the id of your Data Storage and go directly to the Step 2

To upload desired files the storage is needed! Before upload:

  1. Use the Create Storage endpoint to send the below request
  2. Select Create a storage example
  3. Replace the dataStorageExample and the dataSourceExample with new names
  • "name": "dataStorageExample",
  • "dataMatchingDefinitionId": "string",
  • "dataSources": [
    • {
      • "dataSourceName": "dataSourceExample",
      • "dataMapperDefinitionId": "61a5d4dc773d1012a3dfa5aa"
  • "featuresOn": [
    • "LOOKUP",
  • "sharedWithOrganization": false,
  • "labels": [
    • "string"
  1. Check the above example in the Try It Console now:

Important information:

  • Your storage is created if the status: CREATED_SUCCESSFULLY is displayed in the response body.
  • The id refers to the unique identifier of a newly created storage (for example id:3a10645d8be23f53a20b30bfa936e63d).
  • The storage is empty by default.
The Data Storage is successfully created. Use the storage id in the next step

Step 2 Upload data to the storage

Select the file

To start the import job of a csv or xlsx file:

  1. Use the Start Import Job endpoint to send the below request
  2. Paste the existing storage id
  3. Point the file path
  1. Check the above example in the Try It Console now:

In the response you will find 3 important parameters:

  • The id with the value representing YOUR JOB ID - the unique number of every upload job.
  • The progress : 0 representing the progress of the job.
  • The status : SCHEDULED - the job is in the job queue.
Note down received YOUR JOB ID for polling the job status.

Pool for the completion status

To check the import job status:

  1. Use the Poll Import Job endpoint to send the below request
  2. Use the YOUR JOB ID from the previous step and replace the jobId
  1. Check the above example in the Try It Console now:
  • If the job is still running the status with the progress will be displayed:
  "id" : "YOUR JOB ID",
  "progress" : "71",
  "status" : "RUNNING"

The import job runtime is dependent on the size of the imported file. Poll the status regularly to find out when the import is done.

  • When the job is done the FINISHED status will be displayed
  "id" : "YOUR JOB ID",
  "progress" : "100",
  "status" : "FINISHED"

The data is fully imported to your storage now. The uploaded data can be processed now by wide range of CDQ Solutions.

Step 3 Read data

To read uploaded data:

  1. Use the Read Business Partners endpoint to send the below request
  2. Use the existing storage id
  1. Check the above example in the Try It Console now:
In the response the Business Partners data will be displayed in the value object:
    "values" : [
The businessPartnerData1 and businessPartnerData2 represent the sets of parameters for a particular Business Partner. It is used for simplification.

Step 4 Delete storage


Delete the storage after you no longer need it.

  1. Use the Delete Storage endpoint to send the below request
  2. Use the existing storage id no longer in use and replace the storageId in the request
  1. Check the above example in the Try It Console now:

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