Confirms the validity of a trading partner by checking the provided data against various CDQ services.
Bad Request
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- "validUntil": "2025-02-21T08:27:07Z"
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- "message": "Business Partner Name is mandatory.",
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- "businessRule": {
- "name": "Identifier unknown (European value added tax identifier (The Netherlands))",
- "ruleStatus": "RELEASED"
}, - "violationLevel": "INFO",
- "violationMessage": "Business Partner identifier is mandatory."
], - "warnings": [
- {
- "businessRule": {
- "name": "Identifier unknown (European value added tax identifier (The Netherlands))",
- "ruleStatus": "RELEASED"
}, - "violationLevel": "INFO",
- "violationMessage": "Business Partner identifier is mandatory."
], - "infos": [
- {
- "businessRule": {
- "name": "Identifier unknown (European value added tax identifier (The Netherlands))",
- "ruleStatus": "RELEASED"
}, - "violationLevel": "INFO",
- "violationMessage": "Business Partner identifier is mandatory."
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- "decision": {
- "technicalKey": "OK"
}, - "summary": {
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- "aleiPrefix": "VIES",
- "technicalKey": "BR_RF"
}, - "overallMatchingClassification": "FULL_MATCH",
- "overallMatchingScore": "0.9"
}, - "details": {
- "matchingProfile": {
- "matchingScores": {
- "overall": {
- "classification": "FULL_MATCH",
- "value": "0.9",
- "explanation": "BP: [overall: [IDENTIFIER: 0.55; overall: 0.55;]] A: [overall: [COUNTRY_SHORTNAME: 0.5; overall: 0.5;]]"
}, - "businessPartner": {
- "classification": "FULL_MATCH",
- "value": "0.9",
- "explanation": "BP: [overall: [IDENTIFIER: 0.55; overall: 0.55;]] A: [overall: [COUNTRY_SHORTNAME: 0.5; overall: 0.5;]]"
}, - "address": {
- "classification": "FULL_MATCH",
- "value": "0.9",
- "explanation": "BP: [overall: [IDENTIFIER: 0.55; overall: 0.55;]] A: [overall: [COUNTRY_SHORTNAME: 0.5; overall: 0.5;]]"
}, - "matchedCompanyData": {
- "externalId": "The ID managed in the customer's SAP systems.",
- "jsonRecord": "{ \"key\" : \"value\"}",
- "names": [
- {
- "type": {
- "name": "Local Name",
- "technicalKey": "LOCAL"
}, - "value": "Corporate Data Quality AG",
- "shortName": "CDQ AG",
- "language": {
- "name": "German",
- "technicalKey": "DE"
], - "legalForm": {
- "name": "Aktiengesellschaft",
- "technicalKey": "DE_9866",
- "language": {
- "name": "German",
- "technicalKey": "DE"
}, - "mainAbbreviation": "AG",
- "cdlElfCode": "AG",
- "categories": [
- {
- "name": "Limited Liability Company",
}, - "identifiers": [
- {
- "type": {
- "name": "CH_VAT_ID",
- "technicalKey": "CH_VAT_ID"
}, - "value": "CHE-218.608.886 HR/MWST",
- "issuingBody": {
- "name": "Amtsgericht Aachen",
- "technicalKey": "Amtsgericht Aachen"
}, - "status": {
- "name": "ACTIVE",
- "technicalKey": "ACTIVE"
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], - "status": {
- "type": {
- "name": "In Liquidation",
- "technicalKey": "IN_LIQUIDATION"
}, - "officialDenotation": "Good Standing",
- "validFrom": "2025-02-21T08:27:07Z",
- "validUntil": "2025-02-21T08:27:07Z"
}, - "profile": {
- "classifications": [
- {
- "value": "Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical products.",
- "code": "20.20Z",
- "type": {
- "name": null,
- "url": null,
- "technicalKey": null
], - "phoneNumbers": [
- {
- "countryPrefix": "+41",
- "number": "71 571 10 40",
- "type": {
- "name": null,
- "url": null,
- "technicalKey": null
}, - "value": "+41 71 571 10 40"
], - "contactEmails": [
- {
- "value": ""
}, - "types": [
- {
- "name": "Legal Entity",
- "technicalKey": "LEGAL_ENTITY"
], - "relations": [
- {
- "startedAt": "2025-02-21T08:27:07Z",
- "endedAt": "2025-02-21T08:27:07Z",
- "type": {
- "name": "Commercial ultimate",
- "technicalKey": "COMMERCIAL_ULTIMATE"
}, - "class": {
- "name": "CDQ Hierarchy",
}, - "startNode": {
- "externalId": "The ID managed in the customer's SAP systems.",
- "dataSourceId": "648824a691d8d2503d65103e"
}, - "endNode": {
- "externalId": "The ID managed in the customer's SAP systems.",
- "dataSourceId": "648824a691d8d2503d65103e"
}, - "deactivatedAt": "2025-02-21T08:27:07Z"
], - "addresses": [
- {
- "externalId": "1",
- "cdqId": "CDQID-123456789",
- "version": {
- "language": {
- "name": null,
- "technicalKey": null
}, - "characterSet": {
- "name": null,
- "technicalKey": null
}, - "identifyingName": {
- "value": "John Doe"
}, - "careOf": {
- "value": "CDQ GmbH c/o Product Department"
}, - "contexts": [
- {
- "value": null
], - "country": {
- "shortName": "CH",
- "value": "Switzerland"
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- "value": null,
- "fipsCode": null,
- "shortName": null,
- "type": null,
- "language": null
], - "postCodes": [
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- "value": null,
- "type": null
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- "shortName": null,
- "value": null,
- "language": null
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- "type": null,
- "shortName": null,
- "number": null,
- "value": null,
- "name": null,
- "direction": null,
- "language": null
], - "premises": [
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- "value": null,
- "shortName": null,
- "number": null,
- "type": null,
- "language": null
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- "type": null,
- "shortName": null,
- "number": null,
- "value": null,
- "language": null
], - "geographicCoordinates": {
- "latitude": "47.439549",
- "longitude": "9.395275"
}, - "types": [
- {
- "name": null,
- "url": null,
- "technicalKey": null
}, - "qualificationConfirmation": {
- "decision": {
- "technicalKey": "OK"
}, - "summary": {
- "dataSource": {
- "name": "Receita Federal Brazil",
- "aleiPrefix": "VIES",
- "technicalKey": "BR_RF"
}, - "decisionIdentifier": "VALID",
- "decisionName": "VALID",
- "decisionCity": "VALID",
- "decisionStreet": "VALID",
- "decisionPostalCode": "VALID"
}, - "details": {
- "identifierResults": {
- "qualificationDecisions": [
- {
- "businessRule": {
- "name": "Identifier unknown (European value added tax identifier (The Netherlands))",
- "ruleStatus": "RELEASED"
}, - "qualificationTarget": "IDENTIFIER",
- "decision": "VALID",
- "dataSource": {
- "name": "Receita Federal Brazil",
- "aleiPrefix": "VIES",
- "technicalKey": "BR_RF"
}, - "sanctionComplianceConfirmation": {
- "decision": {
- "technicalKey": "OK"
}, - "summary": {
- "matchingScore": {
- "classification": "FULL_MATCH",
- "value": "0.9",
- "explanation": "BP: [overall: [IDENTIFIER: 0.55; overall: 0.55;]] A: [overall: [COUNTRY_SHORTNAME: 0.5; overall: 0.5;]]"
}, - "complianceList": {
- "type": "SANCTIONLIST",
- "name": "Seco List «Al-Qaïda»",
- "technicalKey": "INFO4C_SL_1",
- "issuingBody": {
- "name": "Amtsgericht Aachen",
- "technicalKey": "Amtsgericht Aachen"
}, - "rationale": "political background"
}, - "details": {
- "complianceListMatches": [
- {
- "complianceList": {
- "type": "SANCTIONLIST",
- "name": "Seco List «Al-Qaïda»",
- "technicalKey": "INFO4C_SL_1",
- "issuingBody": {
- "name": "Amtsgericht Aachen",
- "technicalKey": "Amtsgericht Aachen"
}, - "rationale": "political background"
}, - "matchingScore": {
- "classification": "FULL_MATCH",
- "value": "0.9",
- "explanation": "BP: [overall: [IDENTIFIER: 0.55; overall: 0.55;]] A: [overall: [COUNTRY_SHORTNAME: 0.5; overall: 0.5;]]"