This endpoint is deprecated and will be removed on February 1, 2025. Start a job to screen business partners within a provided storage. The business partners are matched against sanction lists and for every business partner a detailed result is provided. Before you can run a screening job, you need to first upload business partners to a storage.
Bad Request
Not Found
{- "storageId": "<STORAGE_ID>"
{- "id": "35f23c03-1c22-45fe-9484-3ffe769325de",
- "storageId": "72d6900fce6b326088f5d9d91049e3e6",
- "status": "RUNNING",
- "createdAt": "2025-02-21T08:27:09Z",
- "user": "johndoe",
- "progress": "77",
- "auditTrail": {
- "performedBy": "John Doe",
- "screenedNames": [
- {
- "value": "Corporate Data Quality AG"
], - "screeningDate": "2025-02-21T08:27:09Z",
- "screeningSettings": {
- "listsUsedForCheck": [
- {
- "authority": "The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin)",
- "name": "Notices and Measures",
- "type": "WATCHLIST",
- "technicalKey": "INFO4C_WL_287"
], - "minMatchingScore": "0.8"