Curate Business Partner or address. This endpoint supports features and profiles and SOAP.
addressCurationLevelThreshold | string (CurationLevel) Indicator for curation quality. Defines how good curation was. Additional documentation can be found here.
Example: "LEVEL_1" | ||||||||||||||||
object (AddressDataSources) Preferred data sources for curation. Default PrimaryAddressDataSource is HERE. Default SecondaryAddressDataSource is CDQ. | |||||||||||||||||
object An organization which has some degree of involvement with another organization's business dealings. Typically, a company's business partner is another company in the role of a customer, a supplier, a vendor, or a service provider. In the CDL context, the business partner is the core managed entity. A business partner is globally uniquely identifiable by a CDL ID, and all managed information such as addresses, documents, and hierarchies is linked to a business partner. | |||||||||||||||||
featuresOff | Array of strings (Feature) List of features to be deactivated. Example: ["ENRICH_ADDRESS"] | ||||||||||||||||
featuresOn | Array of strings (Feature) List of features to be activated. Example: ["ENRICH_ADDRESS"] | ||||||||||||||||
inputLanguage | string ISO 639-1 code of the language of provided data (if known). Example: "CH" | ||||||||||||||||
Array of objects (OutputCharset) List of requested output charsets of the curation result. | |||||||||||||||||
outputLanguage | string ISO 639-1 code of requested language of the curation result. Example: "CH" | ||||||||||||||||
profile | string (Profile) Used to configure the curation process. Available wiki documentation for profiles: Example: "STANDARD" |
Not Found
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Generate a Golden Record from a list of provided Business Partners.
Array of objects (GoldenRecordCandidate) [ 1 .. 1000 ] items List of Golden Record Candidates. | |||||||||
configurationId | string Configuration ID for the Golden Record Generation. Example: "12ed4bd757f8e162f8aa496f" | ||||||||
countryShortName | string (CountryShortName) Country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). Example: "CH" | ||||||||
featuresOn | Array of strings (GoldenRecordFeatureParam) List of features to be activated.
Example: ["ACTIVATE_DATASOURCE_BVD"] | ||||||||
profile | string Provide configurations with varying feature sets to cater to Golden Record Generation needs.
Example: "QUICK" |
Not Found
{- "candidates": [
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- "externalId": "The ID managed in the customer's SAP systems.",
- "names": [
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- "value": "Corporate Data Quality AG",
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- "technicalKey": "CH_VAT_ID",
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- "name": "Aktiengesellschaft",
- "language": {
- "name": "German",
- "technicalKey": "DE"
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- "provenance": {
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- "cdqId": "VIES:PL8660001429"
}, - "technicalKey": "DE_9866",
- "cdlElfCode": "AG",
- "categories": [
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- "name": "Limited Liability Company",
- "shortName": "LLC",
- "technicalKey": "LIMITED"
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