Matches the given Business Partners against the given data matching definition.
The sent request is malformed.
{- "candidates": [
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- "names": [
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- "details": "Corporate Data Quality AG - Marketing Department",
- "language": "German",
- "shortName": "CDQ AG",
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}, - "value": "Corporate Data Quality AG"
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- "issuingBody": "Amtsgericht Aachen"
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- "identifiers": [
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- "technicalKey": "KUNNR"
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- "value": "Switzerland"
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- "dataSource": "Internal customers",
- "record": "{\"name\": \"BUSINESSPARTNER_NAME\", ...}"
], - "pattern": {
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- "names": [
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- "details": "Corporate Data Quality AG - Marketing Department",
- "language": "German",
- "shortName": "CDQ AG",
- "type": {
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- "technicalKey": "LOCAL"
}, - "value": "Corporate Data Quality AG"
], - "legalForm": {
- "name": "Aktiengesellschaft",
}, - "identifiers": [
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], - "postalDeliveryPoint": {
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- "value": "Postfach"
}, - "externalId": "The ID managed in the customer's SAP systems.",
- "dataSource": "Internal customers",
- "record": "{\"name\": \"BUSINESSPARTNER_NAME\", ...}"
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{- "matchingProfiles": [
- {
- "externalId": "The ID managed in the customer's SAP systems.",
- "matchingProfile": {
- "matchingScores": {
- "overall": {
- "classification": {
- "technicalKey": "HIGH",
- "name": "My Matching Configuration"
}, - "value": "0.9",
- "explanation": "BP: [overall: [IDENTIFIER: 0.55; overall: 0.55;]] A: [overall: [COUNTRY_SHORTNAME: 0.5; overall: 0.5;]]"
}, - "businessPartner": {
- "classification": {
- "technicalKey": "HIGH",
- "name": "My Matching Configuration"
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- "explanation": "BP: [overall: [IDENTIFIER: 0.55; overall: 0.55;]] A: [overall: [COUNTRY_SHORTNAME: 0.5; overall: 0.5;]]"
}, - "address": {
- "classification": {
- "technicalKey": "HIGH",
- "name": "My Matching Configuration"
}, - "value": "0.9",
- "explanation": "BP: [overall: [IDENTIFIER: 0.55; overall: 0.55;]] A: [overall: [COUNTRY_SHORTNAME: 0.5; overall: 0.5;]]"