Download OpenAPI specification:Download
This API provides services used for business partner qualification
Retrieve the results of a Business Partner validation job.
{- "startAfter": "5712566172571652",
- "limit": "100",
- "total": "67",
- "values": [
- {
- "dataDefects": [
- {
- "validationSource": {
- "type": {
- "technicalKey": "VALIDATION_GRAPH",
- "description": "Default CDL Model"
}, - "value": "CDL"
}, - "businessRule": {
- "name": "Identifier unknown (European value added tax identifier (The Netherlands))",
- "ruleStatus": "RELEASED",
- "violationMessage": "Business Partner identifier is mandatory.",
- "violationLevel": "INFO"
}, - "executionContextProperties": [
- {
- "type": "businessPartner.identifiers.value",
- "value": "STREET"
], - "categories": [
], - "qualificationResult": {
- "sourceData": [
- {
- "key": "addrz1",
- "value": "CH-9000"
], - "formattedSourceData": {
- "code": "ATU12345678",
- "message": "Message to be filled in.",
- "businessPartnerName": "Muster AG",
- "postCodeValue": "9000",
- "thoroughfareValue": "Hauptstrasse",
- "localityValue": "München"
}, - "validatorStatus": "ONLINE",
- "validatorMessage": "VAT ID is valid.",
- "qualifiedBy": {
- "type": {
- "technicalKey": "VALIDATION_GRAPH",
- "description": "Default CDL Model"
}, - "value": "CDL"
}, - "qualifiedAt": "2025-01-16T15:27:00Z",
- "addressQualification": "QUALIFIED",
- "addressQualificationDetails": {
- "localityQualification": "QUALIFIED",
- "postCodeQualification": "QUALIFIED",
- "thoroughfareNumberQualification": "QUALIFIED",
- "thoroughfareQualification": "QUALIFIED"
}, - "identifierValidity": "VALID",
- "businessPartnerNameQualification": "QUALIFIED",
- "overallQualification": "QUALIFIED"
}, - "lookupResults": [
- {
- "businessPartner": {
- "id": "63e635235c06b7396330fe40",
- "externalId": "The ID managed in the customer's SAP systems.",
- "addresses": [
- "Lukasstraße 4, 9008 St. Gallen"
], - "names": [
- "Corporate Data Quality AG"
], - "identifiers": [
- "VAT identification number"
], - "legalForm": "Aktiengesellschaft",
- "bankAccounts": [
- {
- "internationalBankAccountIdentifier": null,
- "internationalBankIdentifier": null,
- "nationalBankAccountIdentifier": null,
- "nationalBankIdentifier": null,
- "bank": null
], - "status": {
- "officialDenotation": "Good Standing",
- "validFrom": "2025-01-16T15:27:00Z",
- "validUntil": "2025-01-16T15:27:00Z",
- "type": "In Liquidation"
}, - "profile": {
- "contactEmails": [
- null
}, - "address": "Lukasstraße 4, 9008 St. Gallen",
- "matchingScore": "0.9",
- "dataSource": "648824a691d8d2503d65103e",
- "cdqId": "VIES:DE119267630"
], - "summary": {
- "validationLevel": "ERROR",
- "dataQualityRecordStatus": {
- "name": "No issues found",
- "description": "All rules have been executed, and we have found no data quality issues.",
- "technicalKey": "NO_ISSUES_FOUND"
}, - "action": "FULL_CHECK",
- "statistics": {
- "numberOfInfoDataDefects": "10",
- "numberOfErrorDataDefects": "10",
- "numberOfWarningDataDefects": "10"
}, - "debugInfo": {
- "externalServiceResponses": [
- {
- "status": "200",
- "message": "There is no more quota left for this Data Source.",
- "path": "/data-validation/businesspartners/validate",
- "details": "Detailed message",
- "timestamp": "2025-01-16T15:27:00Z",
- "additionalInformation": [
- {
- "key": null,
- "value": null
], - "businessRulesExecutionSummary": {
- "numberOfRules": "274",
- "numberOfExecutions": "273",
- "numberOfFails": "1",
- "failures": [
- {
- "externalId": "955775",
- "message": "Message to be filled in.",
- "businessRule": {
- "name": null,
- "url": null,
- "ruleStatus": null
], - "warnings": [
- {
- "message": "Message to be filled in."
], - "dataSourcesOn": [
- {
- "prefix": "VIES"
], - "dataSourcesOff": [
- {
- "prefix": "VIES"
], - "ruleStatuses": [
], - "violationLevels": [
- "INFO"
}, - "identifierResults": [
- {
- "property": {
- "value": "DE119267630",
- "type": "EU_VAT_ID_DE"
}, - "reliabilityLevel": {
- "name": "Identifier existence",
- "value": "4",
- "checks": [
- {
- "name": null,
- "url": null,
- "value": null,
- "status": null,
- "validity": { },
- "message": null
}, - "qualificationDecisions": [
- {
- "properties": [
- null
], - "businessRule": {
- "name": null,
- "url": null,
- "ruleStatus": null
}, - "qualificationTarget": "STREET",
- "decision": "VALID",
- "cdqId": "VIES:DE119267630",
- "dataSource": "VIES",
- "identifierValue": "DE119267630",
- "identifierType": "EU_VAT_ID_DE",
- "errorMessage": "Example.",
- "externalServiceResponse": {
- "status": null,
- "message": null,
- "path": null,
- "details": null,
- "timestamp": null,
- "additionalInformation": [ ]
], - "businessPartner": {
- "names": [
- "Corporate Data Quality AG"
], - "legalForm": "Aktiengesellschaft",
- "identifiers": [
- "VAT identification number"
], - "categories": [
- "Hotel"
], - "status": {
- "officialDenotation": "Good Standing",
- "validFrom": "2025-01-16T15:27:00Z",
- "validUntil": "2025-01-16T15:27:00Z",
- "type": "In Liquidation"
}, - "addresses": [
- "Lukasstraße 4, 9008 St. Gallen"
], - "externalId": "The ID managed in the customer's SAP systems.",
- "profile": {
- "contactEmails": [
- ""
}, - "formattedSapRecord": {
- "name1": "CDQ AG",
- "name2": "CDQ AG",
- "name3": "CDQ AG",
- "name4": "CDQ AG",
- "nameCo": "Aktiengesellschaft",
- "legalEntity": "Aktiengesellschaft",
- "legalForm": "Aktiengesellschaft",
- "indSector": "NAF",
- "narp": "Friedrich Nietzsche",
- "stceg": "CHE-218.608.88",
- "stcd1": "CHE-218.608.88",
- "stcd2": "CHE-218.608.88",
- "stcd3": "CHE-218.608.88",
- "stcd4": "CHE-218.608.88",
- "stcd5": "CHE-218.608.88",
- "url": "",
- "telNumber": "+41 71 571 10 40",
- "country": "Switzerland",
- "countryCode": "CH",
- "region": "Sankt Gallen",
- "regionCodeSap": "9004",
- "regionCode": "9004",
- "county": "Sankt Gallen",
- "countyCode": "9004",
- "township": "Sankt Gallen",
- "townshipCode": "9004",
- "city": "Sankt Gallen",
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- "street1": "Lukasstraße 4",
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- "longitude": "9.395275"
}, - "relations": [
- "Commercial ultimate"
], - "bankAccounts": [
- {
- "internationalBankAccountIdentifier": "CH8800781619278412000",
- "internationalBankIdentifier": "KBSGCH22XXX",
- "nationalBankAccountIdentifier": "619278412000",
- "nationalBankIdentifier": "00781",
- "bank": {
- "name": "Sparda Bank",
- "branch": "Filiale München",
- "address": {
- "localities": [ ],
- "country": null,
- "administrativeAreas": [ ],
- "postCodes": [ ],
- "thoroughfares": [ ]
}, - "countryCode": "DE"
], - "types": [
- {
- "name": "Legal Entity",
- "technicalKey": "LEGAL_ENTITY"
], - "externalContext": "LIFNR",
- "id": "63e635235c06b7396330fe40",
- "lastModifiedAt": "2025-01-16T15:27:00Z"
}, - "rulesInError": [
- {
- "businessRule": {
- "name": "Identifier unknown (European value added tax identifier (The Netherlands))",
- "ruleStatus": "RELEASED"
}, - "executionStatus": "500",
- "error": {
- "timestamp": "2025-01-16T15:27:00Z",
- "message": "This user is not allowed to access this service.",
- "error": "BAD_REQUEST",
- "path": "/v2/businesspartners/lookup",
- "status": "400",
}, - "ruleResult": "parentConceptIdSelector = 'businessPartner.identifiers.technicalKey', content = '1633582012931231', parentConceptUrl='', recordId = '451ff2f9-8182-43fc-9728-aad9ce62d771', contentSelector = 'businessPartner.identifiers.value', contentSelectorUrl = '', parentConceptId = 'EE_BRN'",
- "violationLevel": "INFO",
- "validationSource": "CDQ"
], - "nextStartAfter": "5712566172571652"
Retrieve the results of a record validation job.
{- "startAfter": "5712566172571652",
- "limit": "100",
- "total": "67",
- "values": [
- {
- "dataDefects": [
- {
- "validationSource": {
- "type": {
- "technicalKey": "VALIDATION_GRAPH",
- "description": "Default CDL Model"
}, - "value": "CDL"
}, - "businessRule": {
- "name": "Identifier unknown (European value added tax identifier (The Netherlands))",
- "ruleStatus": "RELEASED",
- "violationMessage": "Business Partner identifier is mandatory.",
- "violationLevel": "INFO"
}, - "executionContextProperties": [
- {
- "type": "businessPartner.identifiers.value",
- "value": "STREET"
], - "categories": [
], - "decisions": [
- {
- "properties": [
- {
- "content": "DE12345678",
- "contentSelector": "$.partnerProfile.minorityIndicator.value",
- "name": "Minority Indicator Value",
- "rootConcept": {
- "id": null,
- "idSelector": null,
- "name": null,
- "url": null
}, - "parentConcept": {
- "id": null,
- "idSelector": null,
- "name": null,
- "url": null
], - "action": "FULL_CHECK",
- "businessRule": {
- "name": "Identifier unknown (European value added tax identifier (The Netherlands))",
- "ruleStatus": "RELEASED"
], - "qualificationResult": {
- "sourceData": [
- {
- "key": "addrz1",
- "value": "CH-9000"
], - "formattedSourceData": {
- "code": "ATU12345678",
- "message": "Message to be filled in.",
- "businessPartnerName": "Muster AG",
- "postCodeValue": "9000",
- "thoroughfareValue": "Hauptstrasse",
- "localityValue": "München"
}, - "validatorStatus": "ONLINE",
- "validatorMessage": "VAT ID is valid.",
- "qualifiedBy": {
- "type": {
- "technicalKey": "VALIDATION_GRAPH",
- "description": "Default CDL Model"
}, - "value": "CDL"
}, - "qualifiedAt": "2025-01-16T15:27:00Z",
- "addressQualification": "QUALIFIED",
- "addressQualificationDetails": {
- "localityQualification": "QUALIFIED",
- "postCodeQualification": "QUALIFIED",
- "thoroughfareNumberQualification": "QUALIFIED",
- "thoroughfareQualification": "QUALIFIED"
}, - "identifierValidity": "VALID",
- "businessPartnerNameQualification": "QUALIFIED",
- "overallQualification": "QUALIFIED"
}, - "summary": {
- "validationLevel": "ERROR",
- "dataQualityRecordStatus": {
- "name": "No issues found",
- "description": "All rules have been executed, and we have found no data quality issues.",
- "technicalKey": "NO_ISSUES_FOUND"
}, - "action": "FULL_CHECK",
- "statistics": {
- "numberOfInfoDataDefects": "10",
- "numberOfErrorDataDefects": "10",
- "numberOfWarningDataDefects": "10"
}, - "debugInfo": {
- "externalServiceResponses": [
- {
- "status": "200",
- "message": "There is no more quota left for this Data Source.",
- "path": "/data-validation/businesspartners/validate",
- "details": "Detailed message",
- "timestamp": "2025-01-16T15:27:00Z",
- "additionalInformation": [
- {
- "key": null,
- "value": null
], - "businessRulesExecutionSummary": {
- "numberOfRules": "274",
- "numberOfExecutions": "273",
- "numberOfFails": "1",
- "failures": [
- {
- "externalId": "955775",
- "message": "Message to be filled in.",
- "businessRule": {
- "name": null,
- "url": null,
- "ruleStatus": null
], - "warnings": [
- {
- "message": "Message to be filled in."
], - "dataSourcesOn": [
- {
- "prefix": "VIES"
], - "dataSourcesOff": [
- {
- "prefix": "VIES"
], - "ruleStatuses": [
], - "violationLevels": [
- "INFO"
}, - "diff": "{\"Identified_changes\":[{\"op\":\"add\",\"path\":\"/partner/header/objectTask\",\"value\":\"C\"}]}",
- "businessPartner": {
- "names": [
- "Corporate Data Quality AG"
], - "legalForm": "Aktiengesellschaft",
- "identifiers": [
- "VAT identification number"
], - "categories": [
- "Hotel"
], - "status": {
- "officialDenotation": "Good Standing",
- "validFrom": "2025-01-16T15:27:00Z",
- "validUntil": "2025-01-16T15:27:00Z",
- "type": "In Liquidation"
}, - "addresses": [
- "Lukasstraße 4, 9008 St. Gallen"
], - "externalId": "The ID managed in the customer's SAP systems.",
- "profile": {
- "contactEmails": [
- ""
}, - "formattedSapRecord": {
- "name1": "CDQ AG",
- "name2": "CDQ AG",
- "name3": "CDQ AG",
- "name4": "CDQ AG",
- "nameCo": "Aktiengesellschaft",
- "legalEntity": "Aktiengesellschaft",
- "legalForm": "Aktiengesellschaft",
- "indSector": "NAF",
- "narp": "Friedrich Nietzsche",
- "stceg": "CHE-218.608.88",
- "stcd1": "CHE-218.608.88",
- "stcd2": "CHE-218.608.88",
- "stcd3": "CHE-218.608.88",
- "stcd4": "CHE-218.608.88",
- "stcd5": "CHE-218.608.88",
- "url": "",
- "telNumber": "+41 71 571 10 40",
- "country": "Switzerland",
- "countryCode": "CH",
- "region": "Sankt Gallen",
- "regionCodeSap": "9004",
- "regionCode": "9004",
- "county": "Sankt Gallen",
- "countyCode": "9004",
- "township": "Sankt Gallen",
- "townshipCode": "9004",
- "city": "Sankt Gallen",
- "district": "St. Georgen",
- "postalCode": "9000",
- "postalCode3": "9000",
- "street1": "Lukasstraße 4",
- "street2": "Lukasstraße 4",
- "street5": "Lukasstraße 4",
- "houseNum": "4",
- "houseNum2": "4",
- "building": "Office 2",
- "floor": "2",
- "roomnumber": "123",
- "poBoxCountry": "9000",
- "poBoxCity": "9000",
- "poBoxPostalCode": "9000",
- "poBox": "9000",
- "latitude": "47.439549",
- "longitude": "9.395275"
}, - "relations": [
- "Commercial ultimate"
], - "bankAccounts": [
- {
- "internationalBankAccountIdentifier": "CH8800781619278412000",
- "internationalBankIdentifier": "KBSGCH22XXX",
- "nationalBankAccountIdentifier": "619278412000",
- "nationalBankIdentifier": "00781",
- "bank": {
- "name": "Sparda Bank",
- "branch": "Filiale München",
- "address": {
- "localities": [ ],
- "country": null,
- "administrativeAreas": [ ],
- "postCodes": [ ],
- "thoroughfares": [ ]
}, - "countryCode": "DE"
], - "types": [
- {
- "name": "Legal Entity",
- "technicalKey": "LEGAL_ENTITY"
], - "externalContext": "LIFNR",
- "id": "63e635235c06b7396330fe40",
- "lastModifiedAt": "2025-01-16T15:27:00Z"
], - "nextStartAfter": "5712566172571652"
Polls the status of a record validation job. The job is finished when the status is either FINISHED
. If the job is finished, the result can be fetched using the /v2/recordvalidationjobs/{id}/results
Not Found
{- "storageId": "72d6900fce6b326088f5d9d91049e3e6",
- "customKnowledgeGraph": "kg_1_m_1",
- "dataMapperDefinitionId": "ef48bc9f-7fa1-4c4e-8c0d-d1cc3301cc20",
- "profile": "QUICK",
- "ruleStatuses": [
], - "featuresOn": [
], - "ruleCategoriesOn": [
], - "dataSourcesOn": [
- {
- "prefix": "VIES"
], - "dataSourcesOff": [
- {
- "prefix": "VIES"
], - "updatedFrom": "2025-01-16T15:27:00Z",
- "dataSourceIds": [
- "648824a691d8d2503d65103e"
], - "countryShortNames": [
- "CH"
], - "id": "35f23c03-1c22-45fe-9484-3ffe769325de",
- "status": "FINISHED",
- "createdAt": "2025-01-16T15:27:00Z",
- "finishedAt": "2025-01-16T15:27:00Z",
- "user": "742429-234242-4343-232323",
- "progress": "77",
- "result": {
- "dataDefects": [
- {
- "validationSource": {
- "type": {
- "technicalKey": "VALIDATION_GRAPH",
- "description": "Default CDL Model"
}, - "value": "CDL"
}, - "businessRule": {
- "name": "Identifier unknown (European value added tax identifier (The Netherlands))",
- "ruleStatus": "RELEASED",
- "violationMessage": "Business Partner identifier is mandatory.",
- "violationLevel": "INFO"
}, - "executionContextProperties": [
- {
- "type": "businessPartner.identifiers.value",
- "value": "STREET"
], - "categories": [
], - "decisions": [
- {
- "properties": [
- {
- "content": "DE12345678",
- "contentSelector": "$.partnerProfile.minorityIndicator.value",
- "name": "Minority Indicator Value",
- "rootConcept": {
- "id": "EU_VAT_ID_DE",
- "idSelector": "businessPartner.identifiers[type.technicalKey=EU_VAT_ID_DE].technicalKey",
- "name": "Address",
}, - "parentConcept": {
- "id": "EU_VAT_ID_DE",
- "idSelector": "businessPartner.identifiers[type.technicalKey=EU_VAT_ID_DE].technicalKey",
- "name": "Address",
], - "action": "FULL_CHECK",
- "businessRule": {
- "name": "Identifier unknown (European value added tax identifier (The Netherlands))",
- "ruleStatus": "RELEASED"
], - "qualificationResult": {
- "sourceData": [
- {
- "key": "addrz1",
- "value": "CH-9000"
], - "formattedSourceData": {
- "code": "ATU12345678",
- "message": "Message to be filled in.",
- "businessPartnerName": "Muster AG",
- "postCodeValue": "9000",
- "thoroughfareValue": "Hauptstrasse",
- "localityValue": "München"
}, - "validatorStatus": "ONLINE",
- "validatorMessage": "VAT ID is valid.",
- "qualifiedBy": {
- "type": {
- "technicalKey": "VALIDATION_GRAPH",
- "description": "Default CDL Model"
}, - "value": "CDL"
}, - "qualifiedAt": "2025-01-16T15:27:00Z",
- "addressQualification": "QUALIFIED",
- "addressQualificationDetails": {
- "localityQualification": "QUALIFIED",
- "postCodeQualification": "QUALIFIED",
- "thoroughfareNumberQualification": "QUALIFIED",
- "thoroughfareQualification": "QUALIFIED"
}, - "identifierValidity": "VALID",
- "businessPartnerNameQualification": "QUALIFIED",
- "overallQualification": "QUALIFIED"
}, - "summary": {
- "validationLevel": "ERROR",
- "dataQualityRecordStatus": {
- "name": "No issues found",
- "description": "All rules have been executed, and we have found no data quality issues.",
- "technicalKey": "NO_ISSUES_FOUND"
}, - "action": "FULL_CHECK",
- "statistics": {
- "numberOfInfoDataDefects": "10",
- "numberOfErrorDataDefects": "10",
- "numberOfWarningDataDefects": "10"
}, - "debugInfo": {
- "externalServiceResponses": [
- {
- "status": "200",
- "message": "There is no more quota left for this Data Source.",
- "path": "/data-validation/businesspartners/validate",
- "details": "Detailed message",
- "timestamp": "2025-01-16T15:27:00Z",
- "additionalInformation": [
- {
- "key": "requestId",
- "value": "WAPIAAAAYse8yTdE"
], - "businessRulesExecutionSummary": {
- "numberOfRules": "274",
- "numberOfExecutions": "273",
- "numberOfFails": "1",
- "failures": [
- {
- "externalId": "955775",
- "message": "Message to be filled in.",
- "businessRule": {
- "name": "Identifier unknown (European value added tax identifier (The Netherlands))",
- "ruleStatus": "RELEASED"
], - "warnings": [
- {
- "message": "Message to be filled in."
], - "dataSourcesOn": [
- {
- "prefix": "VIES"
], - "dataSourcesOff": [
- {
- "prefix": "VIES"
], - "ruleStatuses": [
], - "violationLevels": [
- "INFO"
}, - "diff": "{\"Identified_changes\":[{\"op\":\"add\",\"path\":\"/partner/header/objectTask\",\"value\":\"C\"}]}",
- "businessPartner": {
- "names": [
- "Corporate Data Quality AG"
], - "legalForm": "Aktiengesellschaft",
- "identifiers": [
- "VAT identification number"
], - "categories": [
- "Hotel"
], - "status": {
- "officialDenotation": "Good Standing",
- "validFrom": "2025-01-16T15:27:00Z",
- "validUntil": "2025-01-16T15:27:00Z",
- "type": "In Liquidation"
}, - "addresses": [
- "Lukasstraße 4, 9008 St. Gallen"
], - "externalId": "The ID managed in the customer's SAP systems.",
- "profile": {
- "contactEmails": [
- ""
}, - "formattedSapRecord": {
- "name1": "CDQ AG",
- "name2": "CDQ AG",
- "name3": "CDQ AG",
- "name4": "CDQ AG",
- "nameCo": "Aktiengesellschaft",
- "legalEntity": "Aktiengesellschaft",
- "legalForm": "Aktiengesellschaft",
- "indSector": "NAF",
- "narp": "Friedrich Nietzsche",
- "stceg": "CHE-218.608.88",
- "stcd1": "CHE-218.608.88",
- "stcd2": "CHE-218.608.88",
- "stcd3": "CHE-218.608.88",
- "stcd4": "CHE-218.608.88",
- "stcd5": "CHE-218.608.88",
- "url": "",
- "telNumber": "+41 71 571 10 40",
- "country": "Switzerland",
- "countryCode": "CH",
- "region": "Sankt Gallen",
- "regionCodeSap": "9004",
- "regionCode": "9004",
- "county": "Sankt Gallen",
- "countyCode": "9004",
- "township": "Sankt Gallen",
- "townshipCode": "9004",
- "city": "Sankt Gallen",
- "district": "St. Georgen",
- "postalCode": "9000",
- "postalCode3": "9000",
- "street1": "Lukasstraße 4",
- "street2": "Lukasstraße 4",
- "street5": "Lukasstraße 4",
- "houseNum": "4",
- "houseNum2": "4",
- "building": "Office 2",
- "floor": "2",
- "roomnumber": "123",
- "poBoxCountry": "9000",
- "poBoxCity": "9000",
- "poBoxPostalCode": "9000",
- "poBox": "9000",
- "latitude": "47.439549",
- "longitude": "9.395275"
}, - "relations": [
- "Commercial ultimate"
], - "bankAccounts": [
- {
- "internationalBankAccountIdentifier": "CH8800781619278412000",
- "internationalBankIdentifier": "KBSGCH22XXX",
- "nationalBankAccountIdentifier": "619278412000",
- "nationalBankIdentifier": "00781",
- "bank": {
- "name": "Sparda Bank",
- "branch": "Filiale München",
- "address": {
- "localities": [
- null
], - "country": "Switzerland CH",
- "administrativeAreas": [
- null
], - "postCodes": [
- null
], - "thoroughfares": [
- null
}, - "countryCode": "DE"
], - "types": [
- {
- "name": "Legal Entity",
- "technicalKey": "LEGAL_ENTITY"
], - "externalContext": "LIFNR",
- "id": "63e635235c06b7396330fe40",
- "lastModifiedAt": "2025-01-16T15:27:00Z"
Start a new validation job on a provided storage ID.
The sent request is malformed.
Not Found
{- "storageId": "YOUR_STORAGE_ID",
- "profile": "EU_VAT_QUALIFICATION",
- "featuresOn": [
], - "featuresOff": [
], - "ruleStatuses": [
], - "vatAtRequestor": "AT123456789",
- "vatDeRequestor": "DE123456789",
- "bzstPrint": true,
- "validationSource": "BZST",
- "reportsRequest": {
- "reportsConfiguration": {
- "address": {
- "build": false
}, - "businesspartner": {
- "build": false
}, - "identifier": {
- "build": false
}, - "overall": {
- "build": false
}, - "qualification": {
- "build": true
}, - "qualityImprovement": {
- "build": false,
- "dataValidationJobIds": [
- "6be92567-4327-4463-813f-a8c990410d79",
- "f9df6cd4-4414-4719-9fb5-4eb6e5bc04cb"
}, - "countryShortNames": "['PL', 'DE', 'CZ', 'SK']"
}, - "dataSourcesOn": [
- {
- "prefix": "string"
], - "dataSourcesOff": [
- {
- "prefix": "string"
], - "ruleCategoriesOn": [
- {
- "url": "string",
- "name": "string"
], - "ignoredRules": [
- "string"
], - "activatedRules": [
- "string"
], - "updatedFrom": "2020-07-06T12:14:03.204Z",
- "dataSourceIds": [
- "string"
], - "countryShortNames": [
- "string"
], - "configurationId": "string",
- "criticalities": [
- {
- "businessRuleUrl": "string",
- "violationLevel": "NO_DEFECT"
{- "storageId": "72d6900fce6b326088f5d9d91049e3e6",
- "profile": "QUICK",
- "featuresOn": [
], - "featuresOff": [
], - "ruleStatuses": [
], - "vatAtRequestor": "AT123456789",
- "vatDeRequestor": "DE123456789",
- "bzstPrint": true,
- "validationSource": {
- "type": {
- "technicalKey": "VALIDATION_GRAPH",
- "description": "Default CDL Model"
}, - "value": "CDL"
}, - "reportsRequest": {
- "reportsConfiguration": {
- "address": {
- "build": "true"
}, - "businesspartner": {
- "build": "true"
}, - "identifier": {
- "build": "true"
}, - "overall": {
- "build": "true"
}, - "qualification": {
- "build": "true"
}, - "qualityImprovement": {
- "build": "true",
- "dataValidationJobIds": [
- "6be92567-4327-4463-813f-a8c990410d79",
- "f9df6cd4-4414-4719-9fb5-4eb6e5bc04cb"
}, - "countryShortNames": "['PL', 'DE', 'CZ', 'SK']"
}, - "dataSourcesOn": [
- {
- "prefix": "VIES"
], - "dataSourcesOff": [
- {
- "prefix": "VIES"
], - "ruleCategoriesOn": [
], - "updatedFrom": "2025-01-16T15:27:00Z",
- "dataSourceIds": [
- "648824a691d8d2503d65103e"
], - "countryShortNames": [
- "CH"
], - "configurationId": "6513d25b63cf07787018790a",
- "criticalities": [
- {
- "violationLevel": "INFO"
], - "id": "35f23c03-1c22-45fe-9484-3ffe769325de",
- "status": "RUNNING",
- "createdAt": "2025-01-16T15:27:00Z",
- "finishedAt": "2025-01-16T15:27:00Z",
- "user": "johndoe",
- "progress": "77",
- "processingLogTrigger": "CREATED"
Starts a new validation job on a provided storage ID.
activatedRules | Array of strings (BusinessRuleUrl) Urls of cdl rules that are active during validation process. Example: [""] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
countryShortNames | Array of strings (schemas-CountryShortName) If set, only the records that belong to the countries identified by these short names are processed. By default, all records of the storage (means from all countries) are processed (considering other filters). Example: ["CH"] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
customKnowledgeGraph required | string Identifier for the custom knowledge graph that should be used for validation. Example: "kg_1_m_1" | ||||||||||||||||||||||
dataMapperDefinitionId | string (DataMapperDefinitionId) Mapping ID that should be used for the mapping. Overrules a mapping of the knowledge graph (if exists). To run validation against CDL Rules, data mapping definition by given ID must exist and user executing validation needs to have permission to access it. Example: "ef48bc9f-7fa1-4c4e-8c0d-d1cc3301cc20" | ||||||||||||||||||||||
dataSourceIds | Array of strings (BusinessPartnerStorageDataSourceId) If set, only the records that belong to the data sources identified by these IDs are processed. By default, all records of the storage (means from all data sources) are processed (considering other filters). Example: ["648824a691d8d2503d65103e"] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Array of objects (DataSource) Rules with data sources passed here are not used in validation process. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Array of objects (DataSource) If data sources are disabled by feature toggle you can enable some of them passing their prefixes here. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
featuresOn | Array of strings Activate features.
Example: ["SHOW_LOOKUP_RESULTS"] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
ignoredRules | Array of strings (BusinessRuleUrl) Urls of cdl rules ignored during validation process. Example: [""] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
profile | string Profile which is used during validation. Default value is STANDARD.
Example: "QUICK" | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Array of objects (RuleCategory) Categories use for selecting active business rules. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
ruleStatuses | Array of strings (RuleStatus) Filter for rule status.
Example: ["RELEASED"] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
storageId required | string (BusinessPartnerStorageId) Unique identifier of the Storage. Example: "72d6900fce6b326088f5d9d91049e3e6" | ||||||||||||||||||||||
updatedFrom | string Makes the job validate entries which were modified after given date described in ISO-8601 format. Example: "2025-01-16T15:27:00Z" |
The sent request is malformed.
Not Found
{- "storageId": "72d6900fce6b326088f5d9d91049e3e6",
- "customKnowledgeGraph": "kg_1_m_1",
- "dataMapperDefinitionId": "ef48bc9f-7fa1-4c4e-8c0d-d1cc3301cc20",
- "profile": "QUICK",
- "ruleStatuses": [
], - "featuresOn": [
], - "ruleCategoriesOn": [
], - "dataSourcesOn": [
- {
- "prefix": "VIES"
], - "dataSourcesOff": [
- {
- "prefix": "VIES"
], - "updatedFrom": "2025-01-16T15:27:00Z",
- "dataSourceIds": [
- "648824a691d8d2503d65103e"
], - "countryShortNames": [
- "CH"
{- "storageId": "72d6900fce6b326088f5d9d91049e3e6",
- "customKnowledgeGraph": "kg_1_m_1",
- "dataMapperDefinitionId": "ef48bc9f-7fa1-4c4e-8c0d-d1cc3301cc20",
- "profile": "QUICK",
- "ruleStatuses": [
], - "featuresOn": [
], - "ruleCategoriesOn": [
], - "dataSourcesOn": [
- {
- "prefix": "VIES"
], - "dataSourcesOff": [
- {
- "prefix": "VIES"
], - "updatedFrom": "2025-01-16T15:27:00Z",
- "dataSourceIds": [
- "648824a691d8d2503d65103e"
], - "countryShortNames": [
- "CH"
], - "id": "35f23c03-1c22-45fe-9484-3ffe769325de",
- "status": "FINISHED",
- "createdAt": "2025-01-16T15:27:00Z",
- "finishedAt": "2025-01-16T15:27:00Z",
- "user": "742429-234242-4343-232323",
- "progress": "77",
- "result": {
- "dataDefects": [
- {
- "validationSource": {
- "type": {
- "technicalKey": "VALIDATION_GRAPH",
- "description": "Default CDL Model"
}, - "value": "CDL"
}, - "businessRule": {
- "name": "Identifier unknown (European value added tax identifier (The Netherlands))",
- "ruleStatus": "RELEASED",
- "violationMessage": "Business Partner identifier is mandatory.",
- "violationLevel": "INFO"
}, - "executionContextProperties": [
- {
- "type": "businessPartner.identifiers.value",
- "value": "STREET"
], - "categories": [
], - "decisions": [
- {
- "properties": [
- {
- "content": "DE12345678",
- "contentSelector": "$.partnerProfile.minorityIndicator.value",
- "name": "Minority Indicator Value",
- "rootConcept": {
- "id": "EU_VAT_ID_DE",
- "idSelector": "businessPartner.identifiers[type.technicalKey=EU_VAT_ID_DE].technicalKey",
- "name": "Address",
}, - "parentConcept": {
- "id": "EU_VAT_ID_DE",
- "idSelector": "businessPartner.identifiers[type.technicalKey=EU_VAT_ID_DE].technicalKey",
- "name": "Address",
], - "action": "FULL_CHECK",
- "businessRule": {
- "name": "Identifier unknown (European value added tax identifier (The Netherlands))",
- "ruleStatus": "RELEASED"
], - "qualificationResult": {
- "sourceData": [
- {
- "key": "addrz1",
- "value": "CH-9000"
], - "formattedSourceData": {
- "code": "ATU12345678",
- "message": "Message to be filled in.",
- "businessPartnerName": "Muster AG",
- "postCodeValue": "9000",
- "thoroughfareValue": "Hauptstrasse",
- "localityValue": "München"
}, - "validatorStatus": "ONLINE",
- "validatorMessage": "VAT ID is valid.",
- "qualifiedBy": {
- "type": {
- "technicalKey": "VALIDATION_GRAPH",
- "description": "Default CDL Model"
}, - "value": "CDL"
}, - "qualifiedAt": "2025-01-16T15:27:00Z",
- "addressQualification": "QUALIFIED",
- "addressQualificationDetails": {
- "localityQualification": "QUALIFIED",
- "postCodeQualification": "QUALIFIED",
- "thoroughfareNumberQualification": "QUALIFIED",
- "thoroughfareQualification": "QUALIFIED"
}, - "identifierValidity": "VALID",
- "businessPartnerNameQualification": "QUALIFIED",
- "overallQualification": "QUALIFIED"
}, - "summary": {
- "validationLevel": "ERROR",
- "dataQualityRecordStatus": {
- "name": "No issues found",
- "description": "All rules have been executed, and we have found no data quality issues.",
- "technicalKey": "NO_ISSUES_FOUND"
}, - "action": "FULL_CHECK",
- "statistics": {
- "numberOfInfoDataDefects": "10",
- "numberOfErrorDataDefects": "10",
- "numberOfWarningDataDefects": "10"
}, - "debugInfo": {
- "externalServiceResponses": [
- {
- "status": "200",
- "message": "There is no more quota left for this Data Source.",
- "path": "/data-validation/businesspartners/validate",
- "details": "Detailed message",
- "timestamp": "2025-01-16T15:27:00Z",
- "additionalInformation": [
- {
- "key": "requestId",
- "value": "WAPIAAAAYse8yTdE"
], - "businessRulesExecutionSummary": {
- "numberOfRules": "274",
- "numberOfExecutions": "273",
- "numberOfFails": "1",
- "failures": [
- {
- "externalId": "955775",
- "message": "Message to be filled in.",
- "businessRule": {
- "name": "Identifier unknown (European value added tax identifier (The Netherlands))",
- "ruleStatus": "RELEASED"
], - "warnings": [
- {
- "message": "Message to be filled in."
], - "dataSourcesOn": [
- {
- "prefix": "VIES"
], - "dataSourcesOff": [
- {
- "prefix": "VIES"
], - "ruleStatuses": [
], - "violationLevels": [
- "INFO"
}, - "diff": "{\"Identified_changes\":[{\"op\":\"add\",\"path\":\"/partner/header/objectTask\",\"value\":\"C\"}]}",
- "businessPartner": {
- "names": [
- "Corporate Data Quality AG"
], - "legalForm": "Aktiengesellschaft",
- "identifiers": [
- "VAT identification number"
], - "categories": [
- "Hotel"
], - "status": {
- "officialDenotation": "Good Standing",
- "validFrom": "2025-01-16T15:27:00Z",
- "validUntil": "2025-01-16T15:27:00Z",
- "type": "In Liquidation"
}, - "addresses": [
- "Lukasstraße 4, 9008 St. Gallen"
], - "externalId": "The ID managed in the customer's SAP systems.",
- "profile": {
- "contactEmails": [
- ""
}, - "formattedSapRecord": {
- "name1": "CDQ AG",
- "name2": "CDQ AG",
- "name3": "CDQ AG",
- "name4": "CDQ AG",
- "nameCo": "Aktiengesellschaft",
- "legalEntity": "Aktiengesellschaft",
- "legalForm": "Aktiengesellschaft",
- "indSector": "NAF",
- "narp": "Friedrich Nietzsche",
- "stceg": "CHE-218.608.88",
- "stcd1": "CHE-218.608.88",
- "stcd2": "CHE-218.608.88",
- "stcd3": "CHE-218.608.88",
- "stcd4": "CHE-218.608.88",
- "stcd5": "CHE-218.608.88",
- "url": "",
- "telNumber": "+41 71 571 10 40",
- "country": "Switzerland",
- "countryCode": "CH",
- "region": "Sankt Gallen",
- "regionCodeSap": "9004",
- "regionCode": "9004",
- "county": "Sankt Gallen",
- "countyCode": "9004",
- "township": "Sankt Gallen",
- "townshipCode": "9004",
- "city": "Sankt Gallen",
- "district": "St. Georgen",
- "postalCode": "9000",
- "postalCode3": "9000",
- "street1": "Lukasstraße 4",
- "street2": "Lukasstraße 4",
- "street5": "Lukasstraße 4",
- "houseNum": "4",
- "houseNum2": "4",
- "building": "Office 2",
- "floor": "2",
- "roomnumber": "123",
- "poBoxCountry": "9000",
- "poBoxCity": "9000",
- "poBoxPostalCode": "9000",
- "poBox": "9000",
- "latitude": "47.439549",
- "longitude": "9.395275"
}, - "relations": [
- "Commercial ultimate"
], - "bankAccounts": [
- {
- "internationalBankAccountIdentifier": "CH8800781619278412000",
- "internationalBankIdentifier": "KBSGCH22XXX",
- "nationalBankAccountIdentifier": "619278412000",
- "nationalBankIdentifier": "00781",
- "bank": {
- "name": "Sparda Bank",
- "branch": "Filiale München",
- "address": {
- "localities": [
- null
], - "country": "Switzerland CH",
- "administrativeAreas": [
- null
], - "postCodes": [
- null
], - "thoroughfares": [
- null
}, - "countryCode": "DE"
], - "types": [
- {
- "name": "Legal Entity",
- "technicalKey": "LEGAL_ENTITY"
], - "externalContext": "LIFNR",
- "id": "63e635235c06b7396330fe40",
- "lastModifiedAt": "2025-01-16T15:27:00Z"