Creates a new Supplier Gateway record by providing the necessary information and returns the created record.
object (SupplierGatewayCreateBody) Complete body of the Supplier Gateway Record. |
successful operation
{- "supplierGateway": {
- "CompanyName": "Acme Corporation",
- "EIN": "12-3456789",
- "SupplierNumber": "SUP12345",
- "Address": "123 Main St",
- "Address2": "Suite 100",
- "City": "Springfield",
- "State": "IL",
- "Country": "USA",
- "Zip": "62701",
- "ZipPlus": "62701-1234",
- "Phone": "(123) 456-7890",
- "Category": "Manufacturing",
- "Ethnicity": "Not disclosed",
- "ContactFirstName": "John",
- "ContactLastName": "Doe",
- "ContactEmail": "",
- "RequiredtoReport": "Yes",
- "YearEstablished": "2000",
- "NumberOfEmployee": "100",
- "Capabilities": "Manufacturing, Distribution",
- "Duns": "15-048-3782",
- "Naics": "541511",
- "ProductListing": "Product A, Product B",
- "ServiceListing": "Service X, Service Y",
- "Certificates": [
- {
- "CertID": "CERT12345",
- "CertNo": "12345",
- "CertifiedDate": "2025-02-03T15:50:12Z",
- "ExpirationDate": "2025-02-03T15:50:12Z",
{- "Code": "200",
- "Message": "Supplier gateway successfully created",
- "Supplier": {
- "SupplierNumber": "SUP12345",
- "TaxID": "12-3456789",
- "CompanyName": "Acme Corporation",
- "ContactName": "John Doe",
- "Address": "123 Main St, Springfield, IL",
- "City": "Springfield",
- "State": "IL",
- "Country": "USA",
- "Zip": "62701",
- "ZipPlus": "62701-1234",
- "Phone": "(123) 456-7890",
- "Fax": "(123) 456-7891",
- "Email": "",
- "Duns": "15-048-3782",
- "yearEstablished": "2000",
- "NumberOfEmployee": "100",
- "Capability": "Manufacturing, Distribution",
- "Status": "Active",
- "Acct": "ACC12345",
- "LastAct": "2025-02-03T15:50:12Z",
- "SBASDB": "Yes",
- "Hub": "Yes",
- "HubExp": "2025-02-03T15:50:12Z",
- "Validated": "Yes",
- "Preg": "PREG12345",
- "PregStart": "2025-02-03T15:50:12Z",
- "PregComp": "2025-02-03T15:50:12Z",
- "PregStat": "Completed",
- "Mospnd18": "MOSPND12345",
- "Moamt18": "MOAMT12345",
- "MasterSupplierNo": "MSUP12345",
- "Tier2Required": "Yes",
- "Categories": [
- {
- "Name": "Manufacturing",
- "Abbreviation": "MFG"
], - "Ethnicities": [
- {
- "Name": "Hispanic",
- "Abbreviation": "HISP"
], - "Certifications": [
- {
- "Name": "ISO 9001",
- "Abbreviation": "ISO9K",
- "CertDate": "2025-02-03T15:50:12Z",
- "ExpDate": "2025-02-03T15:50:12Z",
- "CertNo": "CERT12345"
], - "Banks": [
- {
- "BankName": "Bank of Springfield",
- "AccountType": "Business Checking",
- "AccountNumber": "123456789",
- "RouteNumber": "987654321",
- "Address": "456 Market St, Springfield, IL",
- "CityRegion": "Springfield",
- "StateProvince": "IL",
- "PostalCode": "62702",
- "Country": "USA"
Retrieves the Business Partners based on the Lookup and returning the result of the multiple records.
Not Found
{- "cdqIds": [
- "LEI:529900IM9PTBU50P5M88L",
- "PL.NOBR:5220000080"
[- {
- "debugInfo": {
- "externalServiceResponses": [
- {
- "apiError": {
- "timestamp": "2025-02-03T15:50:12Z",
- "message": "This user is not allowed to access this service.",
- "error": "BAD_REQUEST",
- "status": "400",
- "path": "/v2/businesspartners/lookup",
}, - "timestamp": "2025-02-03T15:50:12Z",
- "httpStatus": "400",
- "httpPath": "/v2/businesspartners/lookup",
- "status": "OK",
- "message": "VIES_NOT_AVAILABLE - Vies is currently not available",
- "source": "CHUID",
- "additionalInformations": [
- {
- "key": "KEY",
- "value": "1"
}, - "status": "OK",
- "message": "Given input parameter is invalid or entry not found.",
- "cdqId": "VIES:PL8660001429",
- "lastSyncAt": "2025-02-03T15:50:12Z",
- "lastUpdatedAt": "2025-02-03T15:50:12Z",
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- "dataSourceName": "Internal customers",
- "businessPartner": {
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- "technicalKey": "LOCAL"
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- "name": "German",
- "technicalKey": "DE"
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- "name": "German",
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- "name": "Amtsgericht Aachen",
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- "validUntil": "2025-02-03T15:50:12Z",
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Retrieves the Business Partner based on the Lookup and returning the result of the single record.
cdqId required | string CDQ ID for Business Partner and address. Example: "VIES:DE123456789" | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
configurationId | string (ReferenceDataFetchConfigurationId) Configuration ID used to set up fetch. If provided, those parameters will be affected. If any of them is provided in this request, will overwrite one from configuration (except for features which are merged):
Example: "c074b9f3-abf0-4f8e-9a20-74deb6cfa2a4" | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
featuresOff | Array of strings (BusinessPartnerFetchFeaturesDesc) List of features to be deactivated.
Example: ["ENABLE_SETTINGS"] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
featuresOn | Array of strings (BusinessPartnerFetchFeaturesDesc) List of features to be activated.
Example: ["ENABLE_SETTINGS"] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
outboundMapping | string (OutboundMapping) Deprecated If Avaliable mappings:
Example: "SAP" | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
screeningMatchingThreshold | number The matching threshold for compliance screening. If set and a fetch result is not above threshold, it will not be returned. Example: "0.5" |
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Retrieves the Business Partner Relations based on the Lookup and returning the result of the single record.
cdqId | string CDQ ID for Business Partner and address. Example: "VIES:DE123456789" |
classTechnicalKey | string Filter by class technical key. Example: "BUSINESS_PARTNER_RELATION_CLASS_LEI_HIERARCHY" |
endedAfter | string Find relations which endedAt is after given date. Example: "2025-02-03T15:50:12Z" |
endedBefore | string Find relations which endedAt is before given date. Example: "2025-02-03T15:50:12Z" |
limit | integer (Limit) Number of items per page. Example: "100" |
startAfter | string (StartAfter) The ID which is used to read the page. Example: "5712566172571652" |
startedAfter | string Find relations which startedAt is after given date. Example: "2025-02-03T15:50:12Z" |
startedBefore | string Find relations which startedAt is before given date. Example: "2025-02-03T15:50:12Z" |
typeTechnicalKey | string Filter by type. Example: "LEI_DIRECT_PARENT" |
{- "cdqId": "LEI:CZ46981691"
{- "nextStartAfter": "5712566172571652",
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- "shortName": "CH",
- "value": "Switzerland"
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- "language": {
- "name": "German",
- "technicalKey": "DE"
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- "shortName": "CH",
- "value": "Switzerland"
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- "type": null
], - "localities": [
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- "type": null,
- "shortName": null,
- "number": null,
- "value": null,
- "name": null,
- "direction": null,
- "language": null
Fetch D&B record by CDQ-ID. It is possible to read:
To fetch the CMPELK object no features have to be activated.
POST /dnb/businesspartners/fetch
"cdqId": "DNB:123456789"
It is possible to read pre-defined Data Blocks
There are 2 features with pre-defined data blocks:
POST /dnb/businesspartners/fetch
"cdqId": "DNB:123456789",
"featuresOn": [
It is possible to fetch LNKELI data:
POST /dnb/businesspartners/fetch
"cdqId": "DNB:123456789",
"featuresOn": [
cdqId | string Unique identifier for the Business Partner. Example: "VIES:PL8660001429" | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
featuresOff | Array of strings (DnbFetchFeature) List of features to be deactivated.
Example: ["ACTIVATE_MASTER_DATA_BASIC"] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
featuresOn | Array of strings (DnbFetchFeature) List of features to be activated.
Not Found
{- "cdqId": "VIES:PL8660001429",
- "featuresOn": [
], - "featuresOff": [
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- "minimumValue": 700,
- "maximumValue": 1500,
- "employeeFiguresDate": "2025-02-03T15:50:12Z",
- "informationScopeDescription": "Consolidated",
- "informationScopeDnBCode": 9067,
- "reliabilityDescription": "Actual",
- "reliabilityDnBCode": 9092
], - "financials": [
- {
- "yearlyRevenue": [
- {
- "value": null,
- "currency": null
], - "informationScopeDescription": "Consolidated",
- "informationScopeDnBCode": 9067,
- "reliabilityDescription": "Actual",
- "reliabilityDnBCode": 9092
}, - "organizationSizeCategory": {
- "description": "Medium",
- "dnbCode": 20548
}, - "employerDesignation": {
- "scoreDate": "2025-02-03T15:50:12Z",
- "indexScore": 0.3,
- "designation": {
- "description": "Employer",
- "dnbCode": 36133
}, - "reliability": {
- "description": "Actual",
- "dnbCode": 9092
}, - "preferredLanguage": {
- "description": "English",
- "dnbCode": 39
}, - "multiLingualSearchNames": [
- {
- "name": "GORMAN",
- "language": {
- "description": "Japanese",
- "dnbCode": 3807
}, - "writingScript": {
- "description": "Kana",
- "dnbCode": 19347
], - "imperialCalendarStartYear": 1861,
- "businessTrustIndex": {
- "scoreDate": "2025-02-03T15:50:12Z",
- "trustIndex": 0.4,
- "trustClass": {
- "description": "Low",
- "dnbCode": 13693
}, - "nationalPercentile": 75,
- "dataProvider": {
- "description": "Debarment",
- "dnbCode": 36140
}, - "scoreReasons": [
- {
- "description": "The subject's URL is found to have a similar match in D&B's repository of high risk businesses.",
- "dnbCode": 11111
], - "excludedOrganization": {
- "duns": "804735132",
- "address": {
- "streetAddressLines": [
- {
- "line1": null
}, - "securitiesReportID": "E04991",
- "corporateLinkage": {
- "familytreeRolesPlayed": [
- {
- "description": "Parent/Headquarters",
- "dnbCode": 9141
], - "hierarchyLevel": 1,
- "globalUltimateFamilyTreeMembersCount": 9000,
- "branchesCount": 27,
- "globalUltimate": {
- "duns": "804735132",
- "primaryAddress": {
- "addressCountry": {
- "name": "United States",
- "isoAlpha2Code": "US"
}, - "continentalRegion": {
- "name": "North America"
}, - "addressLocality": {
- "name": "SAN FRANCISCO"
}, - "addressRegion": {
- "name": "California",
- "abbreviatedName": "CA"
}, - "postalCode": "941109999",
- "streetAddress": {
- "line1": "492 KOLLER ST",
- "line2": "Suite 100"
}, - "domesticUltimate": {
- "duns": "804735132",
- "primaryAddress": {
- "addressCountry": {
- "name": "United States",
- "isoAlpha2Code": "US"
}, - "continentalRegion": {
- "name": "North America"
}, - "addressLocality": {
- "name": "SAN FRANCISCO"
}, - "addressRegion": {
- "name": "California",
- "abbreviatedName": "CA"
}, - "postalCode": "941109999",
- "streetAddress": {
- "line1": "492 KOLLER ST",
- "line2": "Suite 100"
}, - "parent": {
- "duns": "804735132",
- "primaryAddress": {
- "addressCountry": {
- "name": "United States",
- "isoAlpha2Code": "US"
}, - "continentalRegion": {
- "name": "North America"
}, - "addressLocality": {
- "name": "SAN FRANCISCO"
}, - "addressRegion": {
- "name": "California",
- "abbreviatedName": "CA"
}, - "postalCode": "941109999",
- "streetAddress": {
- "line1": "492 KOLLER ST",
- "line2": "Suite 100"
}, - "headQuarter": {
- "duns": "804735132",
- "primaryAddress": {
- "addressCountry": {
- "name": "United States",
- "isoAlpha2Code": "US"
}, - "continentalRegion": {
- "name": "North America"
}, - "addressLocality": {
- "name": "SAN FRANCISCO"
}, - "addressRegion": {
- "name": "California",
- "abbreviatedName": "CA"
}, - "postalCode": "941109999",
- "streetAddress": {
- "line1": "492 KOLLER ST",
- "line2": "Suite 100"
}, - "branches": [
- {
- "multiLingualNames": [
- {
- "name": null,
- "language": { }
}, - "industrialPlantsCount": 23,
- "principalsSummary": {
- "currentPrincipalsCount": 10,
- "otherAssociationsCount": 4,
- "inactiveAssociationsCount": 7,
- "unfavorableInactiveAssociationsCount": 5,
- "favorableInactiveAssociationsCount": 2,
- "detrimentalPrincipalsCount": 2,
- "detrimentalPrincipalsPercentage": 20
}, - "currentPrincipals": [
- {
- "givenName": "Leslie",
- "middleName": "Ann",
- "familyName": "Smith",
- "fullName": "Leslie Ann Smith",
- "namePrefix": "Dr.",
- "nameSuffix": "PhD",
- "associationStartDate": "2025-02-03T15:50:12Z",
- "otherLanguageNames": [
- {
- "givenName": "Leslie",
- "familyName": "Smith"
], - "gender": {
- "description": "Female",
- "dnbCode": 191
}, - "jobTitles": [
- {
- "title": "President"
], - "managementResponsibilities": [
- {
- "description": "President",
- "mrcCode": "A1A6"
], - "idNumbers": [
- {
- "idNumber": "11356097",
- "idType": {
- "description": null,
- "dnbCode": null
], - "mostSeniorPrincipals": [
- {
- "givenName": "Leslie",
- "middleName": "Ann",
- "familyName": "Smith",
- "fullName": "Leslie Ann Smith",
- "namePrefix": "Dr.",
- "nameSuffix": "PhD",
- "associationStartDate": "2025-02-03T15:50:12Z",
- "otherLanguageNames": [
- {
- "givenName": "Leslie",
- "familyName": "Smith",
- "fullName": "Leslie Smith",
- "language": {
- "description": null,
- "dnbCode": null
}, - "writingScript": {
- "description": null,
- "dnbCode": null
], - "gender": {
- "description": "Female",
- "dnbCode": 191
}, - "jobTitles": [
- {
- "title": "President"
], - "managementResponsibilities": [
- {
- "description": "President",
- "mrcCode": "A1A6"
], - "idNumbers": [
- {
- "idNumber": "11356097",
- "idType": {
- "description": null,
- "dnbCode": null
}, - "status": "OK",
- "message": "Service returned a correct response"
Fetches a Supplier Gateway record by providing the necessary information and returns the fetched record.
cdqId | string CDQ ID of the supplier gateway record to fetch. Example: "VIES:DE119267630" | ||||
featuresOn | Array of strings List of features to be activated.
supplierNumber | string Supplier Number to fetch the Record. Example: "SUP12345" |
successful operation
{- "cdqId": "VIES:DE119267630",
- "supplierNumber": "SUP12345",
- "featuresOn": [
{- "cdqId": "VIES:DE119267630",
- "supplierGateway": {
- "Code": "200",
- "Message": "Supplier gateway successfully created",
- "Supplier": {
- "SupplierNumber": "SUP12345",
- "TaxID": "12-3456789",
- "CompanyName": "Acme Corporation",
- "ContactName": "John Doe",
- "Address": "123 Main St, Springfield, IL",
- "City": "Springfield",
- "State": "IL",
- "Country": "USA",
- "Zip": "62701",
- "ZipPlus": "62701-1234",
- "Phone": "(123) 456-7890",
- "Fax": "(123) 456-7891",
- "Email": "",
- "Duns": "15-048-3782",
- "yearEstablished": "2000",
- "NumberOfEmployee": "100",
- "Capability": "Manufacturing, Distribution",
- "Status": "Active",
- "Acct": "ACC12345",
- "LastAct": "2025-02-03T15:50:12Z",
- "SBASDB": "Yes",
- "Hub": "Yes",
- "HubExp": "2025-02-03T15:50:12Z",
- "Validated": "Yes",
- "Preg": "PREG12345",
- "PregStart": "2025-02-03T15:50:12Z",
- "PregComp": "2025-02-03T15:50:12Z",
- "PregStat": "Completed",
- "Mospnd18": "MOSPND12345",
- "Moamt18": "MOAMT12345",
- "MasterSupplierNo": "MSUP12345",
- "Tier2Required": "Yes",
- "Categories": [
- {
- "Name": "Manufacturing",
- "Abbreviation": "MFG"
], - "Ethnicities": [
- {
- "Name": "Hispanic",
- "Abbreviation": "HISP"
], - "Certifications": [
- {
- "Name": "ISO 9001",
- "Abbreviation": "ISO9K",
- "CertDate": "2025-02-03T15:50:12Z",
- "ExpDate": "2025-02-03T15:50:12Z",
- "CertNo": "CERT12345"
], - "Banks": [
- {
- "BankName": "Bank of Springfield",
- "AccountType": "Business Checking",
- "AccountNumber": "123456789",
- "RouteNumber": "987654321",
- "Address": "456 Market St, Springfield, IL",
- "CityRegion": "Springfield",
- "StateProvince": "IL",
- "PostalCode": "62702",
- "Country": "USA"
}, - "minorityIndicator": {
- "value": "Social enterprise"
Create a Business Partner's golden record by computing the matching score using data completeness. The golden record generated has the highest matching score.
cdqId | string CDQ ID of the Golden Record. Example: "VIES:PL1132639219" | ||||
featuresOn | Array of strings (BusinessPartnerGoldenRecordFeatureEnum) List of features to be activated.
Bad Request
{- "cdqId": "VIES:PL1132639219",
- "featuresOn": [
{- "cdqId": "VIES:PL1132639219",
- "matchingProfile": {
- "matchingScores": {
- "overall": {
- "classification": {
- "technicalKey": "HIGH",
- "name": "My Matching Configuration"
}, - "value": "0.9",
- "explanation": "BP: [overall: [IDENTIFIER: 0.55; overall: 0.55;]] A: [overall: [COUNTRY_SHORTNAME: 0.5; overall: 0.5;]]"
}, - "businessPartner": {
- "classification": {
- "technicalKey": "HIGH",
- "name": "My Matching Configuration"
}, - "value": "0.9",
- "explanation": "BP: [overall: [IDENTIFIER: 0.55; overall: 0.55;]] A: [overall: [COUNTRY_SHORTNAME: 0.5; overall: 0.5;]]"
}, - "address": {
- "classification": {
- "technicalKey": "HIGH",
- "name": "My Matching Configuration"
}, - "value": "0.9",
- "explanation": "BP: [overall: [IDENTIFIER: 0.55; overall: 0.55;]] A: [overall: [COUNTRY_SHORTNAME: 0.5; overall: 0.5;]]"
}, - "businessPartner": {
- "names": [
- {
- "shortName": "CDQ AG",
- "type": {
- "name": "Local Name",
- "technicalKey": "LOCAL"
}, - "value": "Corporate Data Quality AG",
- "language": {
- "name": "German",
- "technicalKey": "DE"
], - "legalForm": {
- "name": "Aktiengesellschaft",
- "language": {
- "name": "German",
- "technicalKey": "DE"
}, - "mainAbbreviation": "AG",
- "cdlElfCode": "AG",
- "categories": [
- {
- "name": "Limited Liability Company",
- "shortName": "LLC",
- "technicalKey": "LIMITED"
], - "technicalKey": "DE_9866"
}, - "identifiers": [
- {
- "type": {
- "name": "CH_VAT_ID",
- "technicalKey": "CH_VAT_ID"
}, - "value": "CHE-218.608.886 HR/MWST",
- "issuingBody": {
- "shortName": "Amtsgericht Aachen",
- "name": "Amtsgericht Aachen",
- "names": [
- {
- "shortName": "CDQ AG",
- "type": {
- "url": null,
- "name": null,
- "technicalKey": null
}, - "value": "Corporate Data Quality AG",
- "language": {
- "name": null,
- "technicalKey": null
], - "technicalKey": "Amtsgericht Aachen",
- "jurisdiction": {
- "country": {
- "shortName": "CH",
- "value": "Switzerland"
}, - "administrativeAreas": [
- "Sankt Gallen"
}, - "status": {
- "name": "ACTIVE",
- "technicalKey": "ACTIVE"
], - "categories": [
], - "status": {
- "officialDenotation": "Good Standing",
- "validFrom": "2025-02-03T15:50:12Z",
- "validUntil": "2025-02-03T15:50:12Z",
- "type": {
- "name": "In Liquidation",
- "technicalKey": "IN_LIQUIDATION"
}, - "addresses": [
- {
- "version": {
- "characterSet": {
- "name": "International",
- "technicalKey": "INTERNATIONAL"
}, - "language": {
- "name": "German",
- "technicalKey": "DE"
}, - "identifyingName": {
- "value": "John Doe"
}, - "externalId": "1",
- "metadata": {
- "primaryProvenance": {
- "name": "VIES",
- "technicalKey": "VIES",
- "cdqId": "VIES:PL8660001429"
}, - "language": {
- "name": "German",
- "technicalKey": "DE"
}, - "careOf": {
- "value": "CDQ GmbH c/o Product Department"
}, - "contexts": [
- {
- "value": "Production hall 7, Storage field 8."
], - "country": {
- "shortName": "CH",
- "value": "Switzerland"
}, - "administrativeAreas": [
- "Sankt Gallen"
], - "postCodes": [
- {
- "value": "9000",
- "type": {
- "name": "Regular",
- "technicalKey": "REGULAR"
], - "localities": [
- {
- "type": {
- "name": "City",
- "technicalKey": "CITY"
}, - "shortName": "St. Gallen",
- "value": "Sankt Gallen",
- "language": {
- "name": "German",
- "technicalKey": "DE"
], - "thoroughfares": [
- {
- "type": {
- "name": "Industrial zone",
- "technicalKey": "INDUSTRIAL_ZONE"
}, - "shortName": "Lukasstr. 4",
- "number": "4",
- "value": "Lukasstraße 4",
- "name": "Lukasstraße",
- "direction": "221-bis Baker Street, North",
- "language": {
- "name": "German",
- "technicalKey": "DE"
], - "premises": [
- {
- "value": "Lukasstraße 4",
- "shortName": "Lukasstr. 4",
- "number": "4",
- "type": {
- "name": "Factory",
- "technicalKey": "FACTORY"
}, - "language": {
- "name": "German",
- "technicalKey": "DE"
], - "postalDeliveryPoints": [
- {
- "type": {
- "name": "Mailbox",
- "technicalKey": "MAILBOX"
}, - "shortName": "St Gallen, Postfach 460",
- "number": "460",
- "value": "Postfach",
- "language": {
- "name": "German",
- "technicalKey": "DE"
], - "geographicCoordinates": {
- "latitude": "47.439549",
- "longitude": "9.395275"
}, - "types": [
- {
- "name": "Legal Address",
- "technicalKey": "LEGAL_ADDRESS"
], - "formattedAddress": {
- "country": "Switzerland",
- "administrativeArea": "Sankt Gallen",
- "region": "Sankt Gallen",
- "regionCode": "9004",
- "locality": "Sankt Gallen",
- "district": "City center",
- "postalCode": "9000",
- "thoroughfare": "Lukassstrasse",
- "premise": "Lukasstraße 4, Building 2, Floor 3, Room 4",
- "interurbanDeliveryPoint": "Sankt Gallen, Postfach 460",
- "mailbox": "Postfach 460",
- "postOfficeBox": "Postfach 460"
], - "externalId": "The ID managed in the customer's SAP systems.",
- "profile": {
- "minorityIndicator": {
- "value": "Social enterprise"
}, - "classifications": [
- {
- "value": "Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical products.",
- "code": "20.20Z",
- "type": {
- "name": "NAF 2003",
], - "phoneNumbers": [
- {
- "countryPrefix": "+41",
- "number": "71 571 10 40",
- "type": {
- "name": "FAX",
}, - "value": "+41 71 571 10 40"
], - "websites": [
- {
- "type": {
- "name": "Corporate Website",
- "technicalKey": "WEBSITE_TYPE_CORPORATE"
], - "contactEmails": [
- {
- "value": ""
], - "tags": [
- {
- "value": "Warehouse",
- "type": {
- "technicalKey": "WAREHOUSE"
], - "vatPayerStatus": {
- "publicationDate": "2025-02-03T15:50:12Z",
- "status": {
- "name": "RELIABLE",
- "technicalKey": "VAT_PAYER_STATUS"
}, - "registrationAuthority": {
- "registrationAuthorityId": "RA000009",
- "registrationAuthorityEntityId": "RA000009",
- "otherRegistrationAuthorityId": "RA000009"
}, - "hcpProfile": {
- "generalLicense": {
- "professionType": {
- "name": "Doctor",
- "technicalKey": "DOCTOR"
}, - "licenseStatus": {
- "name": "Granted",
- "technicalKey": "GRANTED"
}, - "operationalPermissions": [
- {
- "issuingAuthority": "Swiss Medical Association",
- "permissionStatus": {
- "name": "Granted",
- "technicalKey": "GRANTED"
}, - "activityStatus": {
- "name": "Inactive",
- "technicalKey": "INACTIVE"
}, - "practiceLocations": [
- {
- "practiceName": null,
- "selfDispensationStatus": null,
- "controlledSubstancePurchasePermission": null
}, - "formattedSapRecord": {
- "name1": "CDQ AG",
- "name2": "CDQ AG",
- "name3": "CDQ AG",
- "name4": "CDQ AG",
- "nameCo": "Aktiengesellschaft",
- "legalEntity": "Aktiengesellschaft",
- "legalForm": "Aktiengesellschaft",
- "indSector": "NAF",
- "indSectorCode": "NAF",
- "emailAddress": "",
- "narp": "Friedrich Nietzsche",
- "stceg": "CHE-218.608.88",
- "stcd1": "CHE-218.608.88",
- "stcd2": "CHE-218.608.88",
- "stcd3": "CHE-218.608.88",
- "stcd4": "CHE-218.608.88",
- "stcd5": "CHE-218.608.88",
- "url": "",
- "telNumber": "+41 71 571 10 40",
- "country": "Switzerland",
- "countryCode": "CH",
- "region": "Sankt Gallen",
- "regionCodeSap": "9004",
- "regionCode": "9004",
- "county": "Sankt Gallen",
- "countyCode": "9004",
- "township": "Sankt Gallen",
- "townshipCode": "9004",
- "city": "Sankt Gallen",
- "district": "St. Georgen",
- "postalCode": "9000",
- "postalCode3": "9000",
- "street1": "Lukasstraße 4",
- "street2": "Lukasstraße 4",
- "street5": "Lukasstraße 4",
- "houseNum": "4",
- "houseNum2": "4",
- "building": "Office 2",
- "floor": "2",
- "roomnumber": "123",
- "poBoxCountry": "9000",
- "poBoxCity": "9000",
- "poBoxPostalCode": "9000",
- "poBox": "9000",
- "latitude": "47.439549",
- "longitude": "9.395275"
}, - "relations": [
- {
- "startedAt": "2025-02-03T15:50:12Z",
- "endedAt": "2025-02-03T15:50:12Z",
- "type": {
- "name": "Commercial ultimate",
- "technicalKey": "COMMERCIAL_ULTIMATE"
}, - "class": {
- "name": "CDQ Hierarchy",
}, - "startNode": "FR.RC:5664645",
- "endNode": "FR.RC:5664645",
- "startNodeBusinessPartner": {
- "names": [
- {
- "shortName": "CDQ AG",
- "type": {
- "url": null,
- "name": null,
- "technicalKey": null
}, - "value": "Corporate Data Quality AG",
- "language": {
- "name": null,
- "technicalKey": null
], - "addresses": [
- {
- "country": {
- "shortName": null,
- "value": null
}, - "postCodes": [
- null
], - "localities": [
- null
], - "thoroughfares": [
- null
}, - "endNodeBusinessPartner": {
- "names": [
- {
- "shortName": "CDQ AG",
- "type": {
- "url": null,
- "name": null,
- "technicalKey": null
}, - "value": "Corporate Data Quality AG",
- "language": {
- "name": null,
- "technicalKey": null
], - "addresses": [
- {
- "country": {
- "shortName": null,
- "value": null
}, - "postCodes": [
- null
], - "localities": [
- null
], - "thoroughfares": [
- null
], - "types": [
- {
- "name": "Legal Entity",
- "technicalKey": "LEGAL_ENTITY"
], - "externalContext": {
- "identifiers": [
- {
- "value": "7250017031",
- "type": {
- "technicalKey": "KUNNR"
}, - "jsonRecord": { },
- "bankAccounts": [
- {
- "internationalBankAccountIdentifier": "CH8800781619278412000",
- "internationalBankIdentifier": "KBSGCH22XXX",
- "nationalBankAccountIdentifier": "619278412000",
- "nationalBankIdentifier": "00781",
- "countryCode": "DE"
}, - "mappedRecord": {
- "attributes": [
- {
- "key": "name",
- "value": "John"
}, - "metadata": [
- {
- "modifiedAt": "2025-02-03T15:50:12Z",
- "modifiedBy": "76248934691294444",
- "dataSource": {
- "name": "Receita Federal Brazil",
- "technicalKey": "BR_RF"
}, - "cdqId": "VIES:PL1132639219"
], - "businessPartnerChanges": [
- {
- "externalIds": [
- {
- "externalId": "123",
- "dataSourceId": "VIES",
- "id": "123",
- "characterSet": {
- "name": "International",
- "technicalKey": "INTERNATIONAL"
}, - "language": {
- "name": "German",
- "technicalKey": "DE"
}, - "concept": {
- "name": "Address",
- "technicalKey": "ADDRESS"
], - "property": {
- "parentConcept": {
- "name": "Address",
- "technicalKey": "ADDRESS"
}, - "name": "Minority Indicator Value",
- "content": "DE12345678",
- "contentSelector": "$.partnerProfile.minorityIndicator.value",
- "instanceSelectors": [
- {
- "key": "type.technicalKey",
- "value": "CH_UID"
}, - "newContent": "AAB",
- "previousContent": "AAB",
- "provenance": {
- "name": "VIES",
- "technicalKey": "VIES",
- "cdqId": "VIES:PL8660001429"
}, - "changeType": "MODIFIED",
- "changeClassification": "MAJOR",
- "confidenceScore": "0.0",
- "maxConfidenceScore": "1.0"
Perform a Business Partner lookup operation across all available Data Sources. The output of this operation will be a comprehensive list of Business Partners, each accompanied by their respective Data Sources and meticulously calculated matching scores. It is important to note that all accessible data sources are comprehensively documented within the Data_source Category on CDQ Wiki.
The Data Sources are categorized as follows:
The results of the Business Partner lookup operation are sorted in descending order based on their matching scores. Additionally, the results are conveniently paginated, allowing for efficient navigation through the extensive list. The page size can be effortlessly customized to accommodate specific preferences.
object (BusinessPartnerParam) Refers to an organizational entity engaged in various facets of another organization's business interactions. This collaborative connection often manifests as a customer, supplier, vendor, or service provider. In the CDQ (Corporate Data Quality) framework, the Business Partner assumes a pivotal role as a core managed entity. Each Business Partner is distinctly and globally identifiable through a unique CDQ ID. All pertinent information, including addresses, identifiers, and hierarchical data, is intricately associated with and linked to the specific Business Partner, ensuring comprehensive management and traceability within the system. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
configurationId | string (ReferenceDataConfigurationId) Configuration ID used to set up lookup. If provided, those parameters will be affected. If any of them is provided in this request, will overwrite one from configuration (except for features which are merged):
Example: "c074b9f3-abf0-4f8e-9a20-74deb6cfa2a4" | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
dataMatchingDefinitionId | string Deprecated The data matching definition ID to be used for the lookup. If set, it will overwrite the default data matching definition. If not set, the default data matching definition will be used. Example: "6461e6113b1865304b3038b6" | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
dataSource | string Deprecated Data source to be used for the lookup. Example: "VIES" | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
dataSources | Array of strings Filter data sources used during lookup Example: ["VIES"] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
featuresOff | Array of strings (businessPartnerFeaturesDescription) The features to be deactivated.
Example: ["ACTIVATE_DATASOURCE_BVD"] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
featuresOn | Array of strings (businessPartnerFeaturesDescription) The features to be activated.
Example: ["ACTIVATE_DATASOURCE_BVD"] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
limit | integer [ 0 .. 1000 ] Number of items per page. Example: "100" | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
matchingThreshold | number <double> [ 0 .. 1 ] Matching threshold for the lookup. Default 0.5. Example: "0.8" | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
maxCandidates | integer [ 20 .. 200 ] Maximum number of candidates to be returned. Default 10. Example: "20" | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
outboundMapping | string (OutboundMapping) Deprecated If Avaliable mappings:
Example: "SAP" | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
page | integer >= 0 Default: 0 Current page number. Example: "1" | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
pageSize | integer (PageSize) [ 1 .. 1000 ] Number of items per page. Default 10. Example: "10" | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
startAfter | string (StartAfter) The ID which is used to read the page. Example: "5712566172571652" | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Array of objects This field allows to filter data mirrors that will be queried. For each data mirror, data sources can also be filtered. Leave empty to include all available data mirrors in query. |
Not Found
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- "technicalKey": "MAYBE_MATCH",
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- "name": "Full Match"
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- "names": [
- {
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- "name": "Local Name",
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], - "legalForm": {
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- "mainAbbreviation": "Sp. z o.o.",
- "technicalKey": "PL_2712"
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- "type": {
- "name": "Numer Identyfikacji Podatkowej",
- "technicalKey": "PL_NIP"
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- {
- "name": "Company",
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- "shortName": "PL",
- "value": "Poland"
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- {
- "value": "LUBUSKIE"
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- "value": "żarski"
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- "value": "Żary"
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- "value": "68-200",
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- "name": "Regular",
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- "value": "Żary"
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- "shortName": "ul. Serbska",
- "number": "56",
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- "types": [
- {
- "name": "Registered Address",
- "technicalKey": "REGISTERED"
], - "externalId": "9280012700",
- "types": [ ]
Use for single queries to quickly find a Business Partner. User have to verify the results. To be used when Business Partner is not normalized e.g. Company Name and Address are in one line.
Not Found
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- "name": "Local Name",
- "technicalKey": "LOCAL"
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- "value": "Social enterprise"
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- "technicalKey": null
], - "vatPayerStatus": {
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- "name": "RELIABLE",
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- "registrationAuthorityId": "RA000009",
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- "practiceLocations": [ ]
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- "name2": "CDQ AG",
- "name3": "CDQ AG",
- "name4": "CDQ AG",
- "nameCo": "Aktiengesellschaft",
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- "legalForm": "Aktiengesellschaft",
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- "indSectorCode": "NAF",
- "emailAddress": "",
- "narp": "Friedrich Nietzsche",
- "stceg": "CHE-218.608.88",
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- "stcd2": "CHE-218.608.88",
- "stcd3": "CHE-218.608.88",
- "stcd4": "CHE-218.608.88",
- "stcd5": "CHE-218.608.88",
- "url": "",
- "telNumber": "+41 71 571 10 40",
- "country": "Switzerland",
- "countryCode": "CH",
- "region": "Sankt Gallen",
- "regionCodeSap": "9004",
- "regionCode": "9004",
- "county": "Sankt Gallen",
- "countyCode": "9004",
- "township": "Sankt Gallen",
- "townshipCode": "9004",
- "city": "Sankt Gallen",
- "district": "St. Georgen",
- "postalCode": "9000",
- "postalCode3": "9000",
- "street1": "Lukasstraße 4",
- "street2": "Lukasstraße 4",
- "street5": "Lukasstraße 4",
- "houseNum": "4",
- "houseNum2": "4",
- "building": "Office 2",
- "floor": "2",
- "roomnumber": "123",
- "poBoxCountry": "9000",
- "poBoxCity": "9000",
- "poBoxPostalCode": "9000",
- "poBox": "9000",
- "latitude": "47.439549",
- "longitude": "9.395275"
}, - "relations": [
- {
- "startedAt": "2025-02-03T15:50:12Z",
- "endedAt": "2025-02-03T15:50:12Z",
- "type": {
- "name": "Commercial ultimate",
- "technicalKey": "COMMERCIAL_ULTIMATE"
}, - "class": {
- "name": "CDQ Hierarchy",
}, - "startNode": "FR.RC:5664645",
- "endNode": "FR.RC:5664645",
- "startNodeBusinessPartner": {
- "names": [
- null
], - "addresses": [
- null
}, - "endNodeBusinessPartner": {
- "names": [
- null
], - "addresses": [
- null
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- {
- "name": "Legal Entity",
- "technicalKey": "LEGAL_ENTITY"
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- "identifiers": [
- {
- "value": "7250017031",
- "type": {
- "technicalKey": null
}, - "jsonRecord": { },
- "bankAccounts": [
- {
- "internationalBankAccountIdentifier": "CH8800781619278412000",
- "internationalBankIdentifier": "KBSGCH22XXX",
- "nationalBankAccountIdentifier": "619278412000",
- "nationalBankIdentifier": "00781",
- "countryCode": "DE"
Perform a comprehensive Business Partner lookup across all accessible Data Sources. This endpoint offers a simplified HTTP GET method for conducting the lookup. However, it only offers a limited set of default features. For the complete range of features, it is recommended to utilize the HTTP POST version.
country | string The country (ISO code) of the Business Partner address. Example: country=CH |
identifier | string An identifier (the value, number, payload) of the Business Partner. Example: identifier=CHCHE218608886 |
identifierType | string The type of given identifier of the Business Partner. Example: identifierType=BVD_ID |
locality | string The locality (city) of the Business Partner address. Example: locality=Sankt Gallen |
name | string The name of the Business Partner. Example: name=CDQ |
postCode | string The postal code of the Business Partner address. Example: postCode=9000 |
thoroughfare | string The thoroughfare (street, incl. house number) of the Business Partner address. Example: thoroughfare=Lukasstrasse 4 |
Not Found
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