Confirms the validity of a trading partner by checking the provided data against various CDQ services.
The following examples are defined and can be requested by the example ID in
header field x-redocly-response-body-example
Example ID | Summary |
allOK |
All checks confirm the trading partner's information successfully. |
companyKnownButWrongStreetNoVatNumber |
Company is known but the street is wrong and no VAT number is provided. |
companyKnownButSanctioned |
Company is known but on a sanction list. |
companyNotKnown |
Company is not known, i.e., the provided data cannot be verified by a Trusted Data Source. |
Bad Request
Not Found
{- "businessPartner": {
- "jsonRecord": {
- "name": "CDQ GmbH",
- "vatNumber": "DE307699628",
- "country": "DE",
- "city": "Friedrichshafen",
- "postalCode": "88045",
- "street": "Albrechtstraße 8",
- "houseNumber": "8"
{- "status": {
- "code": 200,
- "technicalKey": "OK",
- "details": [
- {
- "id": 200702201,
- "message": "Business Partner has been found in Data Sources, but identifier did not match.",
- "jsonPath": "businessPartner.identifiers[0].value",
- "jsonRecord": {
- "key": "DE307699628",
- "explanation": "No vatNumer provided as input."
], - "path": "/v2/businesspartners/lookup",
- "timestamp": "2019-08-31T16:47+00:00"
}, - "dataQualityConfirmation": {
- "decision": {
- "technicalKey": "OK"
}, - "details": {
- "errors": [ ],
- "infos": [
- {
- "businessRule": {
- "name": "Identifier missing (Business Registration Number (Germany))",
- "ruleStatus": "RELEASED",
}, - "violationLevel": "INFO",
- "violationMessage": "Business partner misses the business registration number"
], - "warnings": [ ]
}, - "summary": {
- "numErrors": 0,
- "numInfos": 1,
- "numWarnings": 0
}, - "companyConfirmation": {
- "decision": {
- "technicalKey": "OK"
}, - "details": {
- "matchedCompanyData": {
- "jsonRecord": {
- "city": "Friedrichshafen",
- "country": "DE",
- "houseNumber": "8",
- "name": "CDQ GmbH",
- "postalCode": "88045",
- "street": "Albrechtstraße"
}, - "matchingProfile": {
- "matchingScores": {
- "address": {
- "classification": "FULL_MATCH",
- "value": 0.9461161651504549
}, - "businessPartner": {
- "classification": "FULL_MATCH",
- "value": 0.9941860465116279
}, - "overall": {
- "classification": "FULL_MATCH",
- "explanation": "BP: [overall: [EU_VAT_ID_DE: 0.9; overall: 0.9; NAME: 0.95; overall: 0.9941860465116279;]] A: [overall: [LOCALITY: 0.65; overall: 0.65; POST_CODE: 0.56; overall: 0.7027027027027027; THOROUGHFARE: 0.8; overall: 0.9043478260869566; COUNTRY_SHORTNAME: 0.5; overall: 0.9043478260869566; THOROUGHFARE_NUMBER: 0.65; overall: 0.9461161651504549;]]",
- "value": 0.9996670543825589
}, - "summary": {
- "dataSource": {
- "name": "Common register portal of the German federal states"
}, - "overallMatchingClassification": "FULL_MATCH",
- "overallMatchingScore": 0.9996670543825589
}, - "qualificationConfirmation": {
- "decision": {
- "technicalKey": "OK"
}, - "details": {
- "identifierResults": {
- "qualificationDecisions": [
- {
- "businessRule": {
- "name": "Thoroughfare Qualification (European value added tax identifier (Germany), Data source:AT.FON)",
- "ruleStatus": "RELEASED",
}, - "dataSource": {
- "aleiPrefix": "AT.FON",
- "technicalKey": "AT_FON"
}, - "decision": "VALID",
- "qualificationTarget": "STREET"
}, - {
- "businessRule": {
- "name": "Post-code Qualification (European value added tax identifier (Germany), Data source:AT.FON)",
- "ruleStatus": "RELEASED",
}, - "dataSource": {
- "aleiPrefix": "AT.FON",
- "technicalKey": "AT_FON"
}, - "decision": "VALID"
}, - {
- "businessRule": {
- "name": "Name Qualification (European value added tax identifier (Germany), Data source:AT.FON)",
- "ruleStatus": "RELEASED",
}, - "dataSource": {
- "aleiPrefix": "AT.FON",
- "technicalKey": "AT_FON"
}, - "decision": "VALID",
- "qualificationTarget": "NAME"
}, - {
- "businessRule": {
- "name": "Locality Qualification (European value added tax identifier (Germany), Data source:AT.FON)",
- "ruleStatus": "RELEASED",
}, - "dataSource": {
- "aleiPrefix": "AT.FON",
- "technicalKey": "AT_FON"
}, - "decision": "VALID",
- "qualificationTarget": "CITY"
}, - {
- "businessRule": {
- "name": "Identifier Qualification (European value added tax identifier (Germany), Data source:AT.FON)",
- "ruleStatus": "RELEASED",
}, - "dataSource": {
- "aleiPrefix": "AT.FON",
- "technicalKey": "AT_FON"
}, - "decision": "VALID",
- "qualificationTarget": "IDENTIFIER"
}, - {
- "businessRule": {
- "name": "Identifier Qualification (European value added tax identifier (Germany), Data source:VIES)",
- "ruleStatus": "RELEASED",
}, - "dataSource": {
- "aleiPrefix": "VIES",
- "technicalKey": "VIES"
}, - "decision": "VALID",
- "qualificationTarget": "IDENTIFIER"
}, - "summary": {
- "dataSource": {
- "aleiPrefix": "AT.FON",
- "technicalKey": "AT_FON"
}, - "decisionCity": "VALID",
- "decisionIdentifier": "VALID",
- "decisionName": "VALID",
- "decisionStreet": "VALID"
}, - "sanctionComplianceConfirmation": {
- "decision": {
- "technicalKey": "OK"
}, - "details": {
- "complianceListMatches": [
- {
- "list": {
- "issuingBody": {
- "name": "U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security"
}, - "name": "Press Releases",
- "rationale": "Multinational software company",
- "technicalKey": "INFO4C_WL_137",
- "type": "WATCHLIST"
}, - "matchingScore": {
- "explanation": "overall: [LOCALITY: 0.6; overall: 0.6; COUNTRY: 0.5; overall: 0.6; LEGAL_FORM: 0.5; overall: 0.6; NAME: 0.85; overall: 0.894736842105263;]",
- "value": 0.894736842105263
}, - {
- "list": {
- "issuingBody": {
- "name": "US Department of the Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)"
}, - "name": "Civil Penalties and Enforcement Information",
- "technicalKey": "INFO4C_WL_224",
- "type": "WATCHLIST"
}, - "matchingScore": {
- "explanation": "overall: [LOCALITY: 0.6; overall: 0.6; COUNTRY: 0.5; overall: 0.6; LEGAL_FORM: 0.5; overall: 0.6; NAME: 0.85; overall: 0.894736842105263;]",
- "value": 0.894736842105263
}, - "summary": {
- "complianceListName": "Press Releases",
- "matchingScore": 0.894736842105263