Download OpenAPI specification:Download
This API provides access to several CDQ API endpoints according to the SAP One Domain Model (ODM). Requests and responses are mapped from the CDQ data model to ODM in order to simplify service access from SAP systems.
Fetch business partner by CDQ-ID
Not Found
{- "cdqId": "VIES:CZ46981691"
{- "status": "OK",
- "message": "Message describing the status of the request.",
- "cdqId": "CDQ:DE123456789",
- "dataSource": "VIES",
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- "formattedOrgNameLine3": "69190 Walldorf",
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- "formattedOrgName": "SAP SE, Hasso-Plattner-Ring 7, 69190 Walldorf, Germany",
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- "name": "Code list entry name.",
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- "descr": "Code list entry description."
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- "foundationDate": "2024-11-30T23:38:45Z",
- "liquidationDate": "2024-11-30T23:38:45Z"
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- "descr": "Code list entry description."
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- "validFrom": "2024-11-30T23:38:45Z",
- "validTo": "2024-11-30T23:38:45Z"
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- "taxNumberType": {
- "name": "Code list entry name.",
- "descr": "Code list entry description."
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], - "addressData": [
- {
- "validFrom": "2024-11-30T23:38:45Z",
- "validTo": "2024-11-30T23:38:45Z"
Lookup a Business Partner in all available Data Sources. The lookup is performed based on the given Business Partner object.
object (BusinessPartner) An organization which has some degree of involvement with another organization's business dealings. Typically, a company's business partner is another company in the role of a customer, a supplier, a vendor, or a service provider. In the CDL context, the business partner is the core managed entity. A business partner is globally uniquely identifiable by a CDL ID, and all managed information such as addresses, documents, and hierarchies is linked to a business partner. | |||||||||
featuresOff | Array of strings (LookupBusinessPartnerFeature) List of features to be deactivated.
Example: ["SHOW_DEBUG_INFO"] | ||||||||
featuresOn | Array of strings (LookupBusinessPartnerFeature) List of features to be activated.
Example: ["SHOW_DEBUG_INFO"] | ||||||||
limit | integer [ 0 .. 1000 ] Number of items per page. Example: "100" | ||||||||
matchingThreshold | number <double> [ 0 .. 1 ] The matching threshold for the lookup. Example: "0.5" | ||||||||
maxCandidates | integer [ 20 .. 100 ] Default: 50 The maximum number of candidates to be returned by the lookup. Example: "50" | ||||||||
page | integer (Page) >= 0 Default: 0 Current page number. Example: "1" | ||||||||
pageSize | integer (PageSize) [ 1 .. 1000 ] Default: 10 Number of items per page. Example: "100" | ||||||||
startAfter | string (StartAfter) The ID which is used to read the page. Example: "5712566172571652" |
Not Found
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- "value": ""
], - "tags": [
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- "technicalKey": null
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