Fetch business partner by CDQ-ID.
Not Found
{- "example": "VIES:PL8660001429"
{- "status": "OK",
- "message": "Service returned a correct response.",
- "cdqId": "VIES:PL8660001429",
- "dataSource": "BR_RF",
- "businessPartner": {
- "names": [
- {
- "shortName": "CDQ AG",
- "type": {
- "name": "Local Name",
- "technicalKey": "LOCAL"
}, - "value": "Corporate Data Quality AG",
- "language": {
- "name": "German",
- "technicalKey": "DE"
], - "legalForm": {
- "name": "Aktiengesellschaft",
- "language": {
- "name": "German",
- "technicalKey": "DE"
}, - "mainAbbreviation": "AG",
- "cdlElfCode": "AG",
- "categories": [
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- "value": "CHE-218.608.886 HR/MWST",
- "type": {
- "name": "CH_VAT_ID",
- "technicalKey": "CH_VAT_ID"
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- "name": "ACTIVE",
- "technicalKey": "ACTIVE"
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- "name": "Amtsgericht Aachen",
- "shortName": "Amtsgericht Aachen",
- "names": [
- {
- "shortName": "CDQ AG",
- "type": {
- "url": null,
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- "technicalKey": null
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- "language": {
- "name": null,
- "technicalKey": null
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- "technicalKey": "Amtsgericht Aachen",
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- "shortName": "CH",
- "value": "Switzerland"
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- "localAuthorityCode": "R3101",
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- "value": "John Doe"
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- "cdqId": "VIES:PL8660001429"
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- "name": "German",
- "technicalKey": "DE"
}, - "careOf": {
- "value": "CDQ GmbH c/o Product Department"
}, - "contexts": [
- {
- "value": "Production hall 7, Storage field 8."
], - "country": {
- "shortName": "CH",
- "value": "Switzerland"
}, - "administrativeAreas": [
- {
- "value": "Sankt Gallen",
- "shortName": "SG",
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- "9000"
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- "technicalKey": "DE"
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}, - "shortName": "Lukasstr. 4",
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- "name": "German",
- "technicalKey": "DE"
], - "premises": [
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- "value": "Lukasstraße 4",
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}, - "language": {
- "name": "German",
- "technicalKey": "DE"
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}, - "shortName": "St Gallen, Postfach 460",
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- "name": "German",
- "technicalKey": "DE"
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- "closingHour": "05:00 PM",
- "weekday": "Monday"
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- "interurbanDeliveryPoint": "Sankt Gallen, Postfach 460",
- "mailbox": "Postfach 460",
- "postOfficeBox": "Postfach 460"
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- "formattedOrgName": "SAP SE, Hasso-Plattner-Ring 7, 69190 Walldorf, Germany",
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- "validTo": "2025-02-20T19:04:01Z",
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}, - "types": [
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- "technicalKey": "LEGAL_ENTITY"