Developer Guidelines

Status and Error Codes

The following list describes common types of client statuses on API calls that receive request bodies: All CDQ Cloud Platform services provide a response object comprising an HTTP status code and optionally, a response entity (e.g., a business partner). The response entities are described by the particular web method documentation. The following listing defines the meaning of HTTP status codes in the context of CDQ Cloud Platform services:

CodeTechnical KeyDescription
20000000OKSuccessful request.
20100000CREATEDA resource has been created.
40000000BAD_REQUESTBad Request, invalid input provided.
40100000UNAUTHORIZEDAuthentication is required and has failed.
40400000NOT_FOUNDThe requested resource was not found.
42900000TOO_MANY_REQUESTSToo many requests, try again later.
50000000INTERNAL_SERVER_ERRORRequest failed due to to an internal server error.
50300000SERVICE_UNAVAILABLEService is currently unavailable.

Status 200XXXXX

Expand to see the Status 200 extended list.
IDTechnical KeyMessage
200000000DEFAULT_OKSuccessful request.
200000001JOB_SCHEDULEDThe job has been successfully scheduled for execution.
200000002JOB_WAITINGThis job is waiting for dependent job to finish before it can run.
200000003JOB_RUNNINGThe job is currently being executed.
200000004JOB_FINISHEDThe job came to an end and finished successfully.
200000005JOB_CANCELEDJob has been canceled.
200000006BULK_RUNNINGThe bulk is currently being executed.
200000007BULK_FINISHEDThe bulk has been executed successfully.
200000008BULK_CANCELEDBulk has been canceled.

Status 201XXXXX

Expand to see the Status 201 extended list.
IDStatus Technical KeyMessage
201000000DEFAULT_CREATEDA resource has been created.
201000001JOB_CREATEDA job has been initially created but is not accepted yet.
201000002JOB_PERSISTEDA job has been created and accepted.
201000003BULK_CREATEDA bulk has been created.

Status 400XXXXX

Expand to see the Status 400 extended list.
IDTechnical KeyMessage
400000000DEFAULT_BAD_REQUESTBad Request, invalid input provided.
400000001MALFORMED_REQUESTThe request is malformed. please check the documentation to construct a valid request.
400000002METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTEDRequest method '{1}' is not supported.
400000003NOT_FOUNDThe requested resource could not be found.
400000004MANDATORY_FIELDPlease provide {1}.
400100001NAME_OR_IDENTIFIER_MISSINGYou have to provide at lease name or identifier.
400100003GR_NON_UNIQUE_RESULTWe found multiple GRs in this business partner, please ensure to submit only 1.
400100002GR_NOT_FOUNDGolden Record not found.
400100004FETCH_STRATEGY_MISSINGYou have to use a fetch strategy if you provide a business partner.
400100005BP_AND_CDQID_PROVIDEDYou have provided a business partner and CDQ ID. Please provide only one.
400100006GR_BUSINESSPARTNER_MISSINGYou have to provide a business partner for this fetch strategy.

Status 404XXXXX

Expand to see the Status 404 extended list.
IDTechnical KeyMessage
404000000DEFAULT_NOT_FOUNDThe path you requested has not been found
404000001BULK_NOT_FOUNDBulk Id '{1}' does not exists. Either it never existed or it is evicted.

Status 429XXXXX

Expand to see the Status 429 extended list.
IDTechnical KeyMessage
429000000DEFAULT_TOO_MANY_REQUESTSToo many requests.
429000001RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDToo many requests. Your rate limit is {1}.
429000002QUOTA_EXCEEDEDQuota exceeded for data source '{1}'. Your quota is reset in {1}.

Status 500XXXXX

Expand to see the Status 500 extended list.
IDTechnical KeyMessage
500000000DEFAULT_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERRORService failed due to to an internal server error. Please contact CDQ Support.
500000001JOB_FAILEDJob failed due to to an internal server error. Please contact CDQ Support.
500000002BULK_FAILEDBulk failed due to to an internal server error. Please contact CDQ Support. .

Status 503XXXXX

Expand to see the Status 503 extended list.
IDTechnical KeyMessage
503000000DEFAULT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLEService is currently unavailable.
503100001EXTERNAL_SERVICE_ERRORRequest failed due to external service error.

Storing data

Storing space typeDescription
WorkspaceAn abstract area where customers can work. It contains the client's Data Mirror, Data Storages, Data Sources, configurations, and API Keys.
Data StorageStorage dedicated for client's data. Multiple Data Storages can be created in the organization's workspace. Data stored in the Data Storage can not be shared with the CDQ community.
Data MirrorA special type of storage dedicated to client's data. Only one Data Mirror is created in the organization's workspace. Data Mirror can be shared with the CDQ community.
Data SourceA partition-like space. Multiple Data Sources can be created in the Data Storage or Data Mirror.

Features and Profiles

Endpoints provide features to enable configurability to optimize performance. Features are very specific to the endpoint, however, following generic features can be distinguished.

LAB_*Feature toggle that is used temporarily to activate/deactivate beta features. Do no use in production environments.
ENABLE_SETTINGSEnables that organizational and/or user settings are applied to configure the endpoint. For example, organization-wide configuration for data curation output languages.
SHOW _*Feature which add additional fields to the response object. By default, these fields are hidden in order to keep the payload low and to increase performance

For convenience, the most common configurations of the features are provided in terms of profiles, which also can be selected in the endpoint. A default profile will always be applied if no profile or feature is selected explicitly. In most cases, consumers don't need to configure features or profiles - they may use the endpoints as-is.


Responses that return multiple items will be paginated to 50 items by default. You can specify further page control with the following query parameter:

Query ParameterDescription
limitSets the page size of the request object
startAfterStart after the provided pagination ID. Leave empty for the first query. The response will contain a property nextStartAfter, which needs to be used for any subsequent queries until nextStartAfter is empty.

Paging over the whole resource

The whole resource can be retrieved using an endpoint supporting pagination. The reading loop should include a page read endpoint call with the startAfter property, filled with the content of nextStartAfter from the previous page read a result. When nextStartAfter if the property is empty, the reading loop should finish processing.


var startAfter = null
    var page = resource.readPage(limit, startAfter)
    startAfter = page.nextStartAfter
while (null != startAfter)

Integration Patterns

CDQ recommends different patterns to integrate with our SOAP or REST APIs:

  • Transactional: Process requests one by one.
  • Bulk: Parallelize processing by sending many requests into one. Bulk endpoints parallelize workload and optimize performance. Please note that different rate limits occur for bulk endpoints.
  • Data Mirror: Use continuously running monitors to process your data and distribute workloads.
  • Analytical: Dump analytical data and process on your own.

Use the following table to pick the proper integration pattern for your use case, depending on the data volume and/or expected throughput.

Integration PatternData VolumeMaximum Throughput
Transactional1< 20 per Second
Bulk2-1000> 20 per Second
Data Mirror> 1000Realtime
Analytical> 10005 MB per Second

Values characters limit

The length of the single value in the request is limited to 1024 characters.

Rate Limits

Rate limits help prevent short-term abuse and denial-of-service attacks and ensure the API remains available for all customers. CDQ limits the number of REST API requests you can make within a specific time.

Rate Limits are tracked on a workspace, user, or individual API Key level.

The following rate limits apply to all endpoints:

Rate LimitResetScope
5'000 RequestsHourWorkspace
2'000 RequestsHourUser
20 RequestsSecondAPI Key / User

For selected endpoints, we have additional limits:

  • Bulks: CDQ only allows one bulk of a type (i.e., Lookup or Fetch) to be processed sequentially. Remember that parallelization is applied on the server side, and parallelization on the client side is not required.
Rate LimitResetScope
1 Bulk per TypeAfter CompletionWorkspace


Quotas control API utilization according to each customer's selected subscription. They help plan resources accordingly to ensure CDQ can meet service levels.

Please reach out to us if you need to adjust quotas.

The following default quotas are set as part of your subscription:

Rate LimitResetScope
50 JobsDayWorkspace
100'000 RequestsMonthOrganization

CDQ also defines quotas for access to external data sources:

Rate LimitData SourceResetScope
40'0000 RequestsVIESDayOrganization

Firewall ports

For secure communication, the following ports are required for the CDQ Cloud Platform:

Inbound Agent CommunicationHTTP80
Inbound Agent CommunicationHTTPS443

Request Size Limiting

Payload size

For most CDQ endpoints, the maximum acceptable payload size of the request is 10 MB.

Exceptions from this limit are gathered in the table below:

EndpointRequest Size
Upsert Business Partner250 MB

Upload file size

The same Request Size Limit applies to uploading the file.


Blank fields are omitted and not included as null to optimize payload sizes. All timestamps are returned to ISO 8601 format

Implementation Guidelines

Carefully read and follow our integration guideline S1: Safe consumption of responses.

TLS Certificates

When connecting to our API, it may be necessary for some particular clients to explicitly download and import the TLS certificate chain (Root, Intermediate, Server). Please download the certificate chain here:

Currently active


The following certificates will be active until July 26, 2025.

DomainCertificateSignature hashValid FromExpires

Please note that the certificates are renewed every year and need to be updated in your certificate management system (if available).

Certificate Details

The details of the certificates are as follows:
Overall RatingGrade A*
Serial Number09b0e60228e9d68871f52c8cff27042d
KeyEC 384 bits
IssuerDigiCert Global G3 TLS ECC SHA384 2020 CA1
Signature algorithmSHA384withECDSA
CADigiCert Global Root G3
TrustedMozilla Apple Android Java Windows
    • according to SSL Labs scoring
Overall RatingGrade A*
Serial Number0f202bbf204c8d3fa3766f7e1854889a
KeyEC 384 bits
IssuerDigiCert Global G3 TLS ECC SHA384 2020 CA1
Signature algorithmSHA384withECDSA
CADigiCert Global Root G3
TrustedMozilla Apple Android Java Windows
    • according to SSL Labs scoring

RSA Certificates

We provide the RSA certificates below for customers who don't support elliptic curve algorithms in their systems.

DomainCertificateSignature hashValid FromExpires


DomainCertificateSignature hashValid FromExpires


Understanding version numbers

A version number uniquely identifies each API or App release. The structure of the version follows the standards of Semantic Versioning 2.0.

Format and example:

25     .45     .0+202007747438
  • Major: Incremented when incompatible API changes are releases
  • Minor: Incremented when capability or fixes are released in a backwards-compatible manner
  • Build: Timestamp of the build

Each API or App has its release cycle and thus, its dedicated version. Release notes are published here.

Incompatible API changes

Incompatible API changes include ("breaking changes"):

  • End-of-life of an endpoint
  • Removal of a property in the request/response model
  • Removal of an enum value in the request/response model

Versioning and release strategy

To support and operate multiple API versions in parallel, we apply the following versioning strategy:

Versioning through URI paths Endpoints include the major version number to provide two versions in parallel. If no version number is provided, the version is v1. Example:
Features and fixes are provided to all previous releases If not stated explicitly otherwise, we offer features and fixes for the latest and all supported previous releases. Even though you may use a v1 endpoint, you still benefit from (non-breaking) features or fixes.


The following tags are used in the API documentation to reference versions quickly.

  • V1, V2, .. ,VX: Refers to the major version of an API
  • latest: Refers to the latest version of an API

Version selector by tags


The end of life for APIs or endpoints is communicated 1 year in advance to give every customer the necessary time to upgrade.

Beta Versions

Beta versions are introduced to provide developers with early access to the capability and features of the API before its full release. This allows developers to test the API in real-world scenarios, provide feedback, and suggest improvements. Beta versions help to identify and address any issues or bugs or refine documentation. Additionally, beta testing enables developers to integrate the API into their applications and services, allowing for smoother adoption and transition once the API is officially launched.


Beta functionalities aren't recommended to be implemented in a production environment.

API Beta Versions

APIs Beta versions are marked in the dropdown list with the (beta) flag next to the API version.
Version selector with beta flag

Endpoint Beta Versions

Endpoints Beta versions are marked with BETA badge in the API documentation next to the endpoint name.Beta parameters, properties and enums are marked with BETA badge.

Parameters, properties and toggle features Beta Versions

Parameters, properties and toggle features Beta versions are marked with BETA badge in the API documentation next to the parameter, property or feature description.
Beta badges in parameters, properties, and toggle features are custom-made using HTML and CSS. If you download the API documentation beta version, delete the html tags from the tagged descriptions.


The following guidelines support developers in building rocket-solid client implementations.


A1: Token Management Always uses the latest token for authorization. Tokens are valid for a limited time and must be refreshed before expiration.

    "access_token": "eyJhbG...HSmgnS_0",
    "expires_in": 1800,
    "token_type": "Bearer"


S1: Safe consumption of API responses. Be aware that in the API response, blank fields are omitted and not included as null. Your client implementation needs to check if values are present in the payload before using them; otherwise, your application may generate null pointer exceptions or something similar.

Here's the example of two responses of the same API endpoint - however, in the second response, we don't provide a lastPaymentDate as this information is n
Response #1 - Field has a valueResponse #2 - Field has null value
  "internationalBankIdentifier" : "DE34XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
  "lastPaymentDate" : "2021-18-45"
  "country" : "DE"
  "internationalBankIdentifier" : "DE34XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
  // ATTENTION: field "lastPaymentDate" is null so it will not be part of the response
  "country" : "DE"
If your client implementation always requires the field lastPaymentDate in every response, then Response #2 will lead to an application error, which needs to be avoided.

S2: Safe consumption of enums Enumerations provide a fixed set of values for specific fields. Adding additional enum values is considered a non-breaking change. Your client implementation should be able to handle unknown enum values gracefully.

If you use OpenAPI Generator to generate skeletons for your implementation, we highly recommend turning on the option enumUnknownDefaultCase in the configuration.

According to the official documentation, "If the server adds new enum cases unknown by an old spec/client, the client will fail to parse the network response. With this option enabled, each enum will have a new case, 'unknown_default_open_api', so that when the server sends an enum case unknown by the client/spec, they can safely fall back to it."


CDQ APIs are available via REST or SOAP 1.2. The below table provides links to download CDQ APIs specification in JSON, YAML, WSDL or WADL format.
WSDL interfaces are only provided for endpoints with the badge WSDL.
Bankaccount Data @ V1Download jsonDownload yamlDownload wsdlDownload wadl
Bankaccount Data @ V2Download jsonDownload yamlDownload wsdlDownload wadl
Case Management @ V1Download jsonDownload yamlDownload wsdlDownload wadl
Data Clinic @ V1Download jsonDownload yamlDownload wsdlDownload wadl
Data Clinic @ V2Download jsonDownload yamlDownload wsdlDownload wadl
Data Compliance @ V1Download jsonDownload yamlDownload wsdlDownload wadl
Data Compliance @ V2Download jsonDownload yamlDownload wsdlDownload wadl
Data Curation @ V1Download jsonDownload yamlDownload wsdlDownload wadl
Data Curation @ V2Download jsonDownload yamlDownload wsdlDownload wadl
Data Curation @ V3Download jsonDownload yamlDownload wsdlDownload wadl
Data Exchange @ V1Download jsonDownload yamlDownload wsdlDownload wadl
Data Exchange @ V2Download jsonDownload yamlDownload wsdlDownload wadl
Data Exchange @ V3Download jsonDownload yamlDownload wsdlDownload wadl
Data Exchange @ V4Download jsonDownload yamlDownload wsdlDownload wadl
Data Exchange @ V5Download jsonDownload yamlDownload wsdlDownload wadl
Data Matching @ V1Download jsonDownload yamlDownload wsdlDownload wadl
Data Matching @ V2Download jsonDownload yamlDownload wsdlDownload wadl
Data Validation @ V1Download jsonDownload yamlDownload wsdlDownload wadl
Data Validation @ V2Download jsonDownload yamlDownload wsdlDownload wadl
Data Validation @ V3Download jsonDownload yamlDownload wsdlDownload wadl
Email Analysis @ V1Download jsonDownload yamlDownload wsdlDownload wadl
Knowledge Graph @ V1Download jsonDownload yamlDownload wsdlDownload wadl
Metadata @ V3Download jsonDownload yamlDownload wsdlDownload wadl
Organization Management @ V1Download jsonDownload yamlDownload wsdlDownload wadl
Organization Management @ V2Download jsonDownload yamlDownload wsdlDownload wadl
Protuct Identification @ V1Download jsonDownload yamlDownload wsdlDownload wadl
Reference Data @ V2Download jsonDownload yamlDownload wsdlDownload wadl
Reference Data @ V3Download jsonDownload yamlDownload wsdlDownload wadl
Reference Data @ V4Download jsonDownload yamlDownload wsdlDownload wadl
Salesforce @ V1Download jsonDownload yamlDownload wsdlDownload wadl
SAP DQM @ V1Download jsonDownload yamlDownload wsdlDownload wadl
SAP ODM @ V1Download jsonDownload yamlDownload wsdlDownload wadl
SAP ODM @ V2Download jsonDownload yamlDownload wsdlDownload wadl
SAP ODM @ V3Download jsonDownload yamlDownload wsdlDownload wadl
SAP BN @ V1Download jsonDownload yamlDownload wsdlDownload wadl

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