Gather endpoints that provide functionalities for looking up bank information. These functionalities include looking up bank information based on the given bank data lookup request.
Lookup bank information based on the given bank data lookup request.
{- "bank": {
- "names": [
- {
- "value": "Deutsche Bank"
], - "identifiers": [
- {
- "value": "DEUTDEFF",
- "type": {
- "technicalKey": "CH_VAT_ID"
], - "addresses": [
- {
- "thoroughfares": [
- {
- "value": "Musterstraße 12",
- "number": "12"
], - "localities": [
- {
- "value": "Wrocław"
], - "postCodes": [
- {
- "value": "59400"
], - "country": {
- "shortName": "DE"
}, - "matchingThreshold": "0.5",
- "maxCandidates": "50",
- "pageSize": "100",
- "page": "0"
{- "pageSize": "100",
- "totals": "67",
- "page": "1",
- "values": [
- {
- "cdqId": "VIES:543456-7820",
- "dataSource": {
- "id": "648824a691d8d2503d65103e",
- "name": "Receita Federal Brazil",
- "technicalKey": "BR_RF"
}, - "bank": {
- "names": "Swiss National Bank",
- "contact": {
- "emails": [
- {
- "address": "",
- "type": {
- "name": null,
- "url": null,
- "technicalKey": null
], - "phoneNumbers": [
- {
- "countryPrefix": "0041",
- "number": "58 631 00 00",
- "type": {
- "name": null,
- "url": null,
- "technicalKey": null
}, - "value": "0041 58 631 00 00"
}, - "identifiers": [
- {
- "type": {
- "name": "Bank SWIFT Code",
- "technicalKey": "WR_BSC"
}, - "value": "CH1234567890123456789",
- "issuingBody": {
- "name": "Bank Identifier Code",
- "technicalKey": "BIC"
}, - "status": {
- "name": "Active",
- "technicalKey": "ACTIVE"
], - "addresses": [
- {
- "version": {
- "characterSet": {
- "name": null,
- "technicalKey": null
}, - "language": {
- "name": null,
- "technicalKey": null
}, - "identifyingName": {
- "value": "John Doe"
}, - "externalId": "1",
- "metadata": {
- "primaryProvenance": {
- "name": null,
- "url": null,
- "technicalKey": null,
- "cdqId": null
}, - "language": {
- "name": null,
- "technicalKey": null
}, - "careOf": {
- "value": "CDQ GmbH c/o Product Department"
}, - "contexts": [
- {
- "value": null
], - "country": {
- "shortName": "CH",
- "value": "Switzerland"
}, - "administrativeAreas": [
- {
- "value": null,
- "shortName": null,
- "fipsCode": null,
- "isoCode": null,
- "type": null,
- "language": null
], - "postCodes": [
- "9000"
], - "localities": [
- {
- "type": null,
- "shortName": null,
- "value": null,
- "language": null
], - "thoroughfares": [
- {
- "type": null,
- "shortName": null,
- "number": null,
- "value": null,
- "name": null,
- "direction": null,
- "language": null
], - "premises": [
- {
- "value": null,
- "shortName": null,
- "number": null,
- "type": null,
- "language": null
], - "postalDeliveryPoints": [
- {
- "type": null,
- "shortName": null,
- "number": null,
- "value": null,
- "language": null
], - "openingHours": [
- {
- "openingHour": null,
- "closingHour": null,
- "weekday": null
], - "geographicCoordinates": {
- "latitude": "47.439549",
- "longitude": "9.395275"
}, - "types": [
- {
- "name": null,
- "url": null,
- "technicalKey": null
], - "formattedAddress": {
- "country": "Switzerland",
- "administrativeArea": "Sankt Gallen",
- "region": "Sankt Gallen",
- "regionCode": "9004",
- "locality": "Sankt Gallen",
- "district": "City center",
- "postalCode": "9000",
- "thoroughfare": "Lukassstrasse",
- "premise": "Lukasstraße 4, Building 2, Floor 3, Room 4",
- "interurbanDeliveryPoint": "Sankt Gallen, Postfach 460",
- "mailbox": "Postfach 460",
- "postOfficeBox": "Postfach 460"
], - "externalId": "DE2357422",
- "relations": [
- {
- "startedAt": "2025-01-10T08:06:32Z",
- "endedAt": "2025-01-10T08:06:32Z",
- "type": {
- "technicalKey": "BRANCH",
- "name": "Organizational Unit"
}, - "startNode": "FR.RC:5664645",
- "endNode": "FR.RC:5664645"
}, - "matchingProfile": {
- "matchingScores": {
- "overall": {
- "classification": {
- "technicalKey": "FULL_MATCH",
- "name": "My Matching Configuration"
}, - "value": "0.9",
- "explanation": "BP: [overall: [IDENTIFIER: 0.55; overall: 0.55;]] A: [overall: [COUNTRY_SHORTNAME: 0.5; overall: 0.5;]]"
}, - "bank": {
- "classification": {
- "technicalKey": "FULL_MATCH",
- "name": "My Matching Configuration"
}, - "value": "0.9",
- "explanation": "BP: [overall: [IDENTIFIER: 0.55; overall: 0.55;]] A: [overall: [COUNTRY_SHORTNAME: 0.5; overall: 0.5;]]"
}, - "address": {
- "classification": {
- "technicalKey": "FULL_MATCH",
- "name": "My Matching Configuration"
}, - "value": "0.9",
- "explanation": "BP: [overall: [IDENTIFIER: 0.55; overall: 0.55;]] A: [overall: [COUNTRY_SHORTNAME: 0.5; overall: 0.5;]]"