Delete batches of Business Partners by ID or a combination of DataSource and External ID. Maximum of 1000 Business Partners are allowed per batch. In case only a data source is provided in the request, all Business Partners related to this data source will be deleted, but the data source itself will not be deleted.
Not Found
{- "dataSource": "YOUR_DATASOURCE_ID",
- "businessPartners": [
- {
- "externalId": "BP_EXTERNAL_ID"
], - "featuresOn": [
{- "numberOfDeletes": "50",
- "numberOfFailures": "0",
- "failures": [
- {
- "id": "63e635235c06b7396330fe40",
- "dataSource": "648824a691d8d2503d65103e",
- "externalId": "The ID managed in the customer's SAP systems.",
- "message": "This record could not be stored due to timeout."
Fetch a Business Partner from this storage.
{- "externalId": "The ID managed in the customer's SAP systems.",
- "dataSource": "648824a691d8d2503d65103e",
- "featuresOn": [
], - "featuresOff": [
{- "businessPartner": {
- "id": "63e635235c06b7396330fe40",
- "createdAt": "2025-01-10T08:06:37Z",
- "modifiedAt": "2025-01-10T08:06:37Z",
- "externalId": "The ID managed in the customer's SAP systems.",
- "dataSource": "\"CUSTOM_DATA_SOURCE\" or \"648824a691d8d2503d65103e\"",
- "disclosed": "false",
- "updateMonitoring": "true",
- "updateCommercialMonitoring": [
- {
- "type": {
- "technicalKey": "DNB"
}, - "value": "true"
], - "metadata": {
- "sharingStatus": {
- "status": "SHARED_WITH_NO_MATCH",
- "description": "UNDER_CONSIDERATION: The business partner will be considered for the sharing process."
}, - "identityLinks": [
- {
- "linkId": "6465f2492bdcd350159a79d6",
- "cdqId": "VIES:PL8660001429",
- "addressId": "0",
- "externalAddressId": "123456789"
], - "logResultStatuses": [
- {
- "processingLogId": "CURATION_LOG",
- "triggerProcessedAt": "2025-01-10T08:06:37Z",
- "triggerType": {
- "name": "CREATED",
- "technicalKey": "CREATED"
}, - "trigger": {
- "processedAt": "2025-01-10T08:06:37Z",
- "provenance": {
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- "technicalKey": "VIES",
- "cdqId": "VIES:PL8660001429"
}, - "type": {
- "name": "CREATED",
- "technicalKey": "CREATED"
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- "processedAt": "2025-01-10T08:06:37Z",
- "status": "INFO",
- "description": "Validation Level"
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- "reviewStatus": "REVIEWED",
- "naturalPersonsReviewStatus": "REVIEWED",
- "duplicatesReviewStatus": "REVIEWED"
}, - "record": "{\"name\": \"BUSINESSPARTNER_NAME\", ...}",
- "names": [
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- "name": "Local Name",
- "technicalKey": "LOCAL"
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- "shortName": "CDQ AG",
- "language": {
- "name": "German",
- "technicalKey": "DE"
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- "name": "Aktiengesellschaft",
- "technicalKey": "DE_9866",
- "language": {
- "name": "German",
- "technicalKey": "DE"
}, - "mainAbbreviation": "AG",
- "categories": [
- {
- "name": "Limited Liability Company",
- "shortName": "LLC",
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- {
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- "technicalKey": "CH_VAT_ID"
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- "issuingBody": {
- "name": "Amtsgericht Aachen",
- "technicalKey": "Amtsgericht Aachen",
- "jurisdiction": {
- "country": {
- "shortName": "CH",
- "value": "Switzerland"
}, - "status": {
- "name": "ACTIVE",
- "technicalKey": "ACTIVE"
], - "categories": [
], - "status": {
- "type": {
- "name": "In Liquidation",
- "technicalKey": "IN_LIQUIDATION"
}, - "officialDenotation": "Good Standing",
- "validFrom": "2025-01-10T08:06:37Z",
- "validUntil": "2025-01-10T08:06:37Z"
}, - "profile": {
- "minorityIndicator": {
- "value": "Social enterprise"
}, - "classifications": [
- {
- "value": "Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical products.",
- "code": "20.20Z",
- "type": {
- "name": "NAF 2003",
- "technicalKey": "NAF 2003"
], - "phoneNumbers": [
- {
- "countryPrefix": "+41",
- "number": "71 571 10 40",
- "type": {
- "name": "FAX",
- "technicalKey": "FAX"
}, - "value": "+41 71 571 10 40"
], - "websites": [
- {
- "type": {
- "name": "Corporate Website",
- "technicalKey": "WEBSITE_TYPE_CORPORATE"
], - "contactEmails": [
- {
- "value": ""
], - "tags": [
- {
- "value": "Warehouse",
- "type": {
- "technicalKey": "WAREHOUSE"
], - "vatPayerStatus": {
- "publicationDate": "2025-01-10T08:06:37Z",
- "status": {
- "name": "RELIABLE",
- "technicalKey": "VAT_PAYER_STATUS"
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- "registrationAuthorityId": "RA000009",
- "registrationAuthorityEntityId": "RA000009",
- "otherRegistrationAuthorityId": "RA000009"
}, - "hcpProfile": {
- "generalLicense": {
- "professionType": {
- "name": "Doctor",
- "technicalKey": "DOCTOR"
}, - "licenseStatus": {
- "name": "Granted",
- "technicalKey": "GRANTED"
}, - "operationalPermissions": [
- {
- "issuingAuthority": "Swiss Medical Association",
- "permissionStatus": {
- "name": "Granted",
- "technicalKey": "GRANTED"
}, - "activityStatus": {
- "name": "Inactive",
- "technicalKey": "INACTIVE"
}, - "practiceLocations": [
- {
- "practiceName": null,
- "selfDispensationStatus": null,
- "controlledSubstancePurchasePermission": null
}, - "relations": [
- {
- "startedAt": "2025-01-10T08:06:37Z",
- "endedAt": "2025-01-10T08:06:37Z",
- "type": {
- "name": "Commercial ultimate",
- "technicalKey": "COMMERCIAL_ULTIMATE"
}, - "class": {
- "name": "CDQ Hierarchy",
}, - "startNode": {
- "externalId": "The ID managed in the customer's SAP systems.",
- "dataSourceId": "648824a691d8d2503d65103e"
}, - "endNode": {
- "externalId": "The ID managed in the customer's SAP systems.",
- "dataSourceId": "648824a691d8d2503d65103e"
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], - "types": [
- {
- "name": "Legal Entity",
- "technicalKey": "LEGAL_ENTITY"
], - "addresses": [
- {
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- "externalId": "1",
- "cdqId": "CDQID-123456789",
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- "language": {
- "name": "German",
- "technicalKey": "DE"
}, - "characterSet": {
- "name": "International",
- "technicalKey": "INTERNATIONAL"
}, - "identifyingName": {
- "value": "John Doe"
}, - "careOf": {
- "value": "CDQ GmbH c/o Product Department"
}, - "contexts": [
- {
- "value": "Production hall 7, Storage field 8."
], - "country": {
- "shortName": "CH",
- "value": "Switzerland"
}, - "administrativeAreas": [
- {
- "value": "Sankt Gallen",
- "shortName": "SG",
- "isoCode": "CH-SG",
- "type": {
- "name": "COUNTY",
- "technicalKey": "COUNTY"
}, - "language": {
- "name": "German",
- "technicalKey": "DE"
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- {
- "value": "9000",
- "type": {
- "name": "Regular",
- "technicalKey": "REGULAR"
], - "localities": [
- {
- "type": {
- "name": "City",
- "technicalKey": "CITY"
}, - "shortName": "St. Gallen",
- "value": "Sankt Gallen",
- "language": {
- "name": "German",
- "technicalKey": "DE"
], - "thoroughfares": [
- {
- "type": {
- "name": "Industrial zone",
- "technicalKey": "INDUSTRIAL_ZONE"
}, - "shortName": "Lukasstr. 4",
- "number": "4",
- "value": "Lukasstraße 4",
- "name": "Lukasstraße",
- "direction": "221-bis Baker Street, North",
- "language": {
- "name": "German",
- "technicalKey": "DE"
], - "premises": [
- {
- "value": "Lukasstraße 4",
- "shortName": "Lukasstr. 4",
- "number": "4",
- "type": {
- "name": "Factory",
- "technicalKey": "FACTORY"
}, - "language": {
- "name": "German",
- "technicalKey": "DE"
], - "postalDeliveryPoints": [
- {
- "type": {
- "name": "Mailbox",
- "technicalKey": "MAILBOX"
}, - "shortName": "St Gallen, Postfach 460",
- "number": "460",
- "value": "Postfach",
- "language": {
- "name": "German",
- "technicalKey": "DE"
], - "geographicCoordinates": {
- "latitude": "47.439549",
- "longitude": "9.395275"
}, - "types": [
- {
- "name": "Legal Address",
- "technicalKey": "LEGAL_ADDRESS"
], - "bankAccounts": [
- {
- "internationalBankAccountIdentifier": "CH8800781619278412000",
- "internationalBankIdentifier": "KBSGCH22XXX",
- "nationalBankAccountIdentifier": "619278412000",
- "nationalBankIdentifier": "00781",
- "countryCode": "DE",
- "vendorPaymentSummary": {
- "firstPaymentDate": "2025-01-10T08:06:37Z",
- "lastPaymentDate": "2025-01-10T08:06:37Z",
- "numberOfPayments": "1"
], - "externalContext": {
- "identifiers": [
- {
- "value": "7250017031",
- "type": {
- "technicalKey": "KUNNR"
}, - "status": "NOT_FOUND",
- "message": "Business Partner has been fetched successfully."
Read a page of business partners from the storage.
businessPartnerId | Array of strings (BusinessPartnerId) Business Partner IDs which should be filtered. Example: businessPartnerId=63e635235c06b7396330fe40 | ||||||||||||||||
countryCode | Array of strings (CountryShortName) Country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) used to filter the result of business partners returned. Example: countryCode=CH | ||||||||||||||||
curationLogResultStatus | Array of strings (CurationLevelParam) Curation log of curation result.
Example: curationLogResultStatus=LEVEL_1 | ||||||||||||||||
dataSource | Array of strings (BusinessPartnerDataSource) Data Source (name or ID) to be measured during calculating statistics. By default, all Data Sources are measured. Example: dataSource="CUSTOM_DATA_SOURCE" or "648824a691d8d2503d65103e" | ||||||||||||||||
externalId | Array of strings (BusinessPartnerExternalId) Business Partner externalIDs. Example: externalId=The ID managed in the customer's SAP systems. | ||||||||||||||||
featuresOff | Array of strings (BusinessPartnersReadFeatureParam) Features to be deactivated.
Example: featuresOff=APPLY_CURATION_DECISIONS | ||||||||||||||||
featuresOn | Array of strings (BusinessPartnersReadFeatureParam) Features to be activated.
Example: featuresOn=APPLY_CURATION_DECISIONS | ||||||||||||||||
fromJobProcessedAt | string Returns the results which have one of the log result status -> jobProcessedAt after given date. The given date should support ISO-8601 representation. Example: fromJobProcessedAt=2025-01-10T08:06:37Z | ||||||||||||||||
fromProcessedAt | string Returns the results which have one of the log result status -> processedAt after given date. The given date should support ISO-8601 representation. Example: fromProcessedAt=2025-01-10T08:06:37Z | ||||||||||||||||
fromTriggerProcessedAt | string Returns the results which have one of the log result status -> triggerProcessedAt after given date. The given date should support ISO-8601 representation. Example: fromTriggerProcessedAt=2025-01-10T08:06:37Z | ||||||||||||||||
hasRawData | boolean Default: false Flag to filter result of business partners based on the existence of the record attribute (raw data). Example: hasRawData=false | ||||||||||||||||
limit | integer <int32> >= 1 Default: 500 Number of items to be returned on the page. Example: limit=100 | ||||||||||||||||
logResultTriggerProvenanceTechnicalKeys | Array of strings (ProvenanceTechnicalKey) Provenance technical keys used for filtering the result which should match with at least one of any log result status -> triggerType fields. Example: logResultTriggerProvenanceTechnicalKeys=VIES | ||||||||||||||||
logResultTriggerType | Array of strings (ProcessingLogResultStatusTriggerTypeTechnicalKeyParam) Trigger type used for filtering the result which should match with at least one of any log result status -> triggerType fields. Example: logResultTriggerType=CREATED | ||||||||||||||||
modifiedAfter | string Return entries which were modified after given data. The given date should support ISO-8601 representation. Example: modifiedAfter=2025-01-10T08:06:37Z | ||||||||||||||||
modifiedBefore | string Return entries which were modified before given data. The given date should support ISO-8601 representation. Example: modifiedBefore=2025-01-10T08:06:37Z | ||||||||||||||||
reviewStatus | string (ReviewStatusParam) Review status used for filtering the result data.
Example: reviewStatus=REVIEWED | ||||||||||||||||
sharingStatus | Array of strings Business Partner Sharing Status which should be filtered. Sharing Statuses which can be filtered out:
Example: sharingStatus=UNDER_CONSIDERATION | ||||||||||||||||
startAfter | string Only items with an ID greater than the given one will be retrieved. When nextStartAfter provided in the response, should be used instead of the ID as an indicator for a next page. Example: startAfter=5712566172571652 | ||||||||||||||||
tagTypeTechnicalKey | string (TagTypeTechnicalKey) Type Technical Key of tags that are provided in 'tagValues' query param. Example: tagTypeTechnicalKey=WAREHOUSE | ||||||||||||||||
tagValues | Array of strings (TagValue) Tag values that will be used to filter Business Partners. Values are connected with logical 'AND'. Example: tagValues=Warehouse | ||||||||||||||||
toJobProcessedAt | string Returns the results which have one of the log result status -> jobProcessedAt before given date. The given date should support ISO-8601 representation. Example: toJobProcessedAt=2025-01-10T08:06:37Z | ||||||||||||||||
toProcessedAt | string Returns the results which have one of the log result status -> processedAt before given date. The given date should support ISO-8601 representation. Example: toProcessedAt=2025-01-10T08:06:37Z | ||||||||||||||||
toTriggerProcessedAt | string Returns the results which have one of the log result status -> triggerProcessedAt before given date. The given date should support ISO-8601 representation. Example: toTriggerProcessedAt=2025-01-10T08:06:37Z | ||||||||||||||||
typeTechnicalKeys | Array of strings (BusinessPartnerTypeTechnicalKeyParam) <= 1 items Business Partner type technical keys which should be filtered. Example: typeTechnicalKeys=LEGAL_ENTITY | ||||||||||||||||
updateMonitoring | boolean Flag to filter business partners by the value of updateMonitoring attribute. Example: updateMonitoring=true | ||||||||||||||||
validationLogResultStatus | Array of strings (ValidationLevelParam) Violation level of validation result.
Example: validationLogResultStatus=WARNING | ||||||||||||||||
validationSharingLogResultStatus | Array of strings (ValidationLevelParam) Violation level of sharing validation result.
Example: validationSharingLogResultStatus=WARNING |
Bad Request
{- "startAfter": "5712566172571652",
- "limit": "100",
- "total": "67",
- "values": [
- {
- "id": "63e635235c06b7396330fe40",
- "createdAt": "2025-01-10T08:06:37Z",
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- "updateCommercialMonitoring": [
- {
- "type": {
- "technicalKey": "DNB"
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- "status": "SHARED_WITH_NO_MATCH",
- "description": "UNDER_CONSIDERATION: The business partner will be considered for the sharing process."
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- "cdqId": "VIES:PL8660001429",
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- {
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- "triggerProcessedAt": "2025-01-10T08:06:37Z",
- "triggerType": {
- "name": "CREATED",
- "technicalKey": "CREATED"
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- "provenance": {
- "name": null,
- "technicalKey": null,
- "cdqId": null
}, - "type": {
- "name": null,
- "technicalKey": null
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- "processedAt": "2025-01-10T08:06:37Z",
- "status": "INFO",
- "description": "Validation Level"
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- "naturalPersonsReviewStatus": "REVIEWED",
- "duplicatesReviewStatus": "REVIEWED"
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- "name": "German",
- "technicalKey": "DE"
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- "technicalKey": "DE"
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- "name": "Amtsgericht Aachen",
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- "value": null
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- "name": "In Liquidation",
- "technicalKey": "IN_LIQUIDATION"
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- "validUntil": "2025-01-10T08:06:37Z"
}, - "profile": {
- "minorityIndicator": {
- "value": "Social enterprise"
}, - "classifications": [
- {
- "value": "Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical products.",
- "code": "20.20Z",
- "type": {
- "name": "NAF 2003",
- "technicalKey": "NAF 2003"
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- {
- "countryPrefix": "+41",
- "number": "71 571 10 40",
- "type": {
- "name": "FAX",
- "technicalKey": "FAX"
}, - "value": "+41 71 571 10 40"
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- {
- "type": {
- "name": "Corporate Website",
- "technicalKey": "WEBSITE_TYPE_CORPORATE"
], - "contactEmails": [
- {
- "value": ""
], - "tags": [
- {
- "value": "Warehouse",
- "type": {
- "technicalKey": "WAREHOUSE"
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- "name": "RELIABLE",
- "technicalKey": "VAT_PAYER_STATUS"
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- "registrationAuthorityId": "RA000009",
- "registrationAuthorityEntityId": "RA000009",
- "otherRegistrationAuthorityId": "RA000009"
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- "professionType": {
- "name": "Doctor",
- "technicalKey": "DOCTOR"
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- "name": "Granted",
- "technicalKey": "GRANTED"
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- {
- "issuingAuthority": "Swiss Medical Association",
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- "name": null,
- "url": null,
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- "value": "CDQ GmbH c/o Product Department"
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- "value": "Production hall 7, Storage field 8."
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- {
- "value": "7250017031",
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- "technicalKey": "KUNNR"
], - "nextStartAfter": "5712566172571652"
The Read Business Partner Updates endpoint provides an updated Business Partner structure and comprehensive
Business Partner information from the Reference Data Sources. By default, only the latest version of a Business Partner
from a single data source is provided. However, it's possible to access all historical updates (up to 3 months) by enabling
A list of updated Business Partners can be filtered in various ways, with tags being the most powerful and important.
Tags combine concepts (e.g., NAME_LOCAL
) with actions (e.g., ADDED
There are two types of classification filters:
Filtration by tag and conceptClassification
works in pairs and identifies Business Partners where, for example, the LOCAL_NAME
and this change was classified as MAJOR
. When filtering by tag and summaryClassification
, the endpoint returns all Business Partners
where the specified tags were added to the summary and the general summary classification is, for example,
IDENTIFIER_ADDED, + highest classification for all updates =MINOR
. Additional filtering options include country, provenance, and external IDs.
Providing the data source (or your mirror) in the request can enhance response speed.
It's possible to check the total number of updates using featuresOn NUMBER_OF_TOTAL, but can slow down the response.
We recommend periodically reading all Business Partners (at least once) to improve the efficiency of specific filtrations.
businessPartnerIds | Array of strings (BusinessPartnerId) <= 100 items Only show updates for listed Business Partner IDs. When providing list of Business Partner IDs, limit is ignored to provide full page. Example: businessPartnerIds=63e635235c06b7396330fe40 |
conceptClassifications | Array of strings (UpdateClassificationTechnicalKeyEnum) Filter by provided concept classifications (logical OR). When used with the updateTags parameter, only those updates are presented, that match together with respective tag. Example: conceptClassifications=MAJOR |
countryShortNames | Array of strings (CountryShortName) Filter by countries. Example: countryShortNames=CH |
dataSources | Array of strings (BusinessPartnerDataSource) Filter by data sources (name or id). Example: dataSources="CUSTOM_DATA_SOURCE" or "648824a691d8d2503d65103e" |
dataTransformationDefinitionId | string (DataTransformationDefinitionId) When dataTransformationDefinitionId is provided, map updatedBusinessPartner using that transformation. Example: dataTransformationDefinitionId=SAP.ODM |
exceptProvenanceTechnicalKeys | Array of strings (ProvenanceTechnicalKey) Show updates for all provenances except provided by technical keys. By default, includes ORGANIZATION if not present on provenanceTechnicalKeys list. Example: exceptProvenanceTechnicalKeys=VIES |
externalIds | Array of strings (BusinessPartnerExternalId) <= 100 items Filter updates by Business Partner externalId, limit is ignored to provide full page. When used with the businessPartnerIds parameter, only business partners that have one of the specified externalIds AND one of the specified businessPartnerIds will be returned. Example: externalIds=The ID managed in the customer's SAP systems. |
featuresOff | Array of strings (BusinessPartnerUpdatesFeatureParam) Features to be used during the read Business Partner updates:
featuresOn | Array of strings (BusinessPartnerUpdatesFeatureParam) Features to be used during the read Business Partner updates:
from | string Only show updates which have been modified after this date (ISO 8601). Default is to show the 'last seven days' and farthest in the past is 'since three month'. Example: from=2025-01-10T08:06:37Z |
limit | integer <int32> >= 1 Default: 500 Number of items to be returned on the page. Example: limit=100 |
provenanceTechnicalKeys | Array of strings (ProvenanceTechnicalKey) Show updates for selected provenances by technical keys. Example: provenanceTechnicalKeys=VIES |
startAfter | string Only items with an ID greater than the given one will be retrieved. When nextStartAfter provided in the response, should be used instead of the ID as an indicator for a next page. Example: startAfter=5712566172571652 |
summaryClassifications | Array of strings (UpdateClassificationTechnicalKeyEnum) Filter by provided summary classifications (logical OR). Example: summaryClassifications=MAJOR |
updateTags | Array of strings (UpdateTagEnum) Filter by update summary tags. Example: updateTags=IDENTIFIER_ADDED |
updateTagsProfiles | Array of strings (UpdateTagsProfileEnum) Profiled filter by update summary tags. Example: updateTagsProfiles=LEGAL_DATA |
Bad Request
{- "limit": "100",
- "total": "67",
- "startAfter": "5712566172571652",
- "nextStartAfter": "5712566172571652",
- "values": [
- {
- "id": "5712566172571652",
- "businessPartnerId": "63e635235c06b7396330fe40",
- "externalBusinessPartnerId": "The ID managed in the customer's SAP systems.",
- "updatedBusinessPartner": {
- "id": "63e635235c06b7396330fe40",
- "summary": {
- "tags": [
], - "classification": {
- "technicalKey": "MAJOR",
- "reason": "The modified post code has deprecated format."
}, - "names": [
- {
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- "name": "Local Name",
- "technicalKey": "LOCAL"
}, - "value": "Corporate Data Quality AG",
- "shortName": "CDQ AG",
- "language": {
- "name": "German",
- "technicalKey": "DE"
}, - "updateAssessment": {
- "action": {
- "technicalKey": null
}, - "classification": {
- "technicalKey": null,
- "reason": null
}, - "provenances": [
- null
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- "tags": [
- null
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- "value": null,
- "shortName": null,
- "language": null
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- "language": {
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- "technicalKey": "DE"
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- "categories": [
- {
- "name": "Limited Liability Company",
- "shortName": "LLC",
- "technicalKey": "LIMITED"
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}, - "classification": {
- "technicalKey": "MAJOR",
- "reason": "The modified post code has deprecated format."
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- "name": "Amtsgericht Aachen",
- "technicalKey": "Amtsgericht Aachen",
- "jurisdiction": {
- "country": null
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- "status": null
], - "categories": [
- {
- "name": "Hotel",
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- "technicalKey": null
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- "reason": null
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- "technicalKey": "ADDED"
}, - "classification": {
- "technicalKey": "MAJOR",
- "reason": "The modified post code has deprecated format."
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- "url": null,
- "technicalKey": null,
- "cdqId": null,
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- {
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- {
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- "profile": {
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- "value": "Social enterprise"
}, - "classifications": [
- {
- "value": "Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical products.",
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- "technicalKey": null
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- {
- "value": ""
], - "tags": [
- {
- "value": "Warehouse",
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- "technicalKey": null
], - "vatPayerStatus": {
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- "technicalKey": null
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- "reason": null
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- null
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- null
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- "startNode": null,
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- "deactivatedAt": null
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- "provenances": [ ],
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- {
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- "technicalKey": "DNB"
}, - "value": "true"
], - "metadata": {
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- "status": "SHARED_WITH_NO_MATCH",
- "description": "UNDER_CONSIDERATION: The business partner will be considered for the sharing process."
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- {
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- "triggerType": {
- "name": null,
- "technicalKey": null
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- "type": null
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- "status": "INFO",
- "description": "Validation Level"
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- "duplicatesReviewStatus": "REVIEWED"
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- "name": "Local Name",
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- "name": "German",
- "technicalKey": "DE"
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- "technicalKey": "DE"
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- "country": null
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- "value": "Social enterprise"
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- "value": "Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical products.",
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- {
- "value": ""
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- {
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- "technicalKey": null
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- "name": null,
- "url": null,
- "technicalKey": null
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- "url": null,
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- "technicalKey": "COMMERCIAL_ULTIMATE"
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- "dataSourceId": "648824a691d8d2503d65103e"
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- {
- "name": "Legal Entity",
- "technicalKey": "LEGAL_ENTITY"
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- {
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- "externalId": "1",
- "cdqId": "CDQID-123456789",
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- "technicalKey": null
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- "technicalKey": null
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}, - "contexts": [
- {
- "value": null
], - "country": {
- "shortName": "CH",
- "value": "Switzerland"
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- {
- "value": null,
- "shortName": null,
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- "type": null,
- "language": null
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- {
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- "type": null
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- "value": null,
- "language": null
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- "type": null,
- "shortName": null,
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- "value": null,
- "name": null,
- "direction": null,
- "language": null
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- {
- "value": null,
- "shortName": null,
- "number": null,
- "type": null,
- "language": null
], - "postalDeliveryPoints": [
- {
- "type": null,
- "shortName": null,
- "number": null,
- "value": null,
- "language": null
], - "geographicCoordinates": {
- "latitude": "47.439549",
- "longitude": "9.395275"
}, - "types": [
- {
- "name": null,
- "url": null,
- "technicalKey": null
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- "internationalBankAccountIdentifier": "CH8800781619278412000",
- "internationalBankIdentifier": "KBSGCH22XXX",
- "nationalBankAccountIdentifier": "619278412000",
- "nationalBankIdentifier": "00781",
- "countryCode": "DE",
- "vendorPaymentSummary": {
- "firstPaymentDate": "2025-01-10T08:06:37Z",
- "lastPaymentDate": "2025-01-10T08:06:37Z",
- "numberOfPayments": "1"
], - "externalContext": {
- "identifiers": [
- {
- "value": "7250017031",
- "type": {
- "technicalKey": null
Lookup a Business Partner in provided storage.
object (BusinessPartnerLookupParam) Lookup business partner data in connected data sources like the CDQ Community Data Pool, Business registers, or even in the own data mirror. | |||||||
dataSources | Array of strings List of Data Sources. Example: ["\"CUSTOM_DATA_SOURCE\" or \"648824a691d8d2503d65103e\""] | ||||||
featuresOff | Array of strings (FetchBusinessPartnerFeatureParam) Features to be excluded during the fetch Business Partner.
Example: ["FETCH_RECORD"] | ||||||
featuresOn | Array of strings (FetchBusinessPartnerFeatureParam) Features to be used during the fetch Business Partner.
Example: ["FETCH_RECORD"] | ||||||
matchingThreshold | number <double> (DataMatchingThreshold) [ 0 .. 1 ] Default: 0 The threshold for the data matching. Example: "0.5" | ||||||
page | integer (Page) >= 0 Default: 0 Current page number. Example: "1" | ||||||
pageSize | integer (PageSize) [ 1 .. 1000 ] Default: 10 Number of items per page. Example: "100" |
Not Found
{- "matchingThreshold": "0.5",
- "pageSize": "100",
- "page": "1",
- "dataSources": [
- "\"CUSTOM_DATA_SOURCE\" or \"648824a691d8d2503d65103e\""
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- "externalId": "The ID managed in the customer's SAP systems.",
- "record": "{\"name\": \"BUSINESSPARTNER_NAME\", ...}",
- "names": [
- {
- "value": "Corporate Data Quality AG"
], - "identifiers": [
- {
- "value": "CHE-218.608.886 HR/MWST",
- "type": {
- "technicalKey": "CH_VAT_ID"
], - "legalForm": {
- "name": "Aktiengesellschaft"
}, - "addresses": [
- {
- "country": {
- "shortName": "CH"
}, - "administrativeAreas": [
- {
- "value": "Sankt Gallen"
], - "localities": [
- {
- "value": "Sankt Gallen"
], - "postCodes": [
- {
- "value": "9000"
], - "thoroughfares": [
- {
- "value": "Lukasstraße 4",
- "number": "4"
], - "externalContext": {
- "identifiers": [
- {
- "value": "7250017031",
- "type": {
- "technicalKey": "KUNNR"
}, - "profile": {
- "tags": [
- {
- "value": "Warehouse",
- "type": {
- "technicalKey": "WAREHOUSE"
}, - "featuresOn": [
], - "featuresOff": [
{- "pageSize": "100",
- "total": "67",
- "page": "1",
- "values": [
- {
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Poll endpoint for a job created in POST toggleUpdateMonitoringJobs
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Get random Business Partners from this storage.
countryCode | string (CountryShortName) Country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) used to filter the result of business partners returned. Example: countryCode=CH | ||||||
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featureOff | Array of strings (FetchBusinessPartnerFeatureParam) Features to be excluded during the fetch Business Partner.
Example: featureOff=FETCH_RECORD | ||||||
featureOn | Array of strings (FetchBusinessPartnerFeatureParam) Features to be used during the fetch Business Partner.
Example: featureOn=FETCH_RECORD | ||||||
limit | integer <int32> [ 1 .. 10 ] Default: 1 Number of items to be returned on the page. Example: limit=5 | ||||||
modifiedAfter | string Return entries which were modified after given data. The given date should support ISO-8601 representation. Example: modifiedAfter=2025-01-10T08:06:37Z | ||||||
modifiedBefore | string Return entries which were modified before given data. The given date should support ISO-8601 representation. Example: modifiedBefore=2025-01-10T08:06:37Z |
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Read Business Partner by ID.
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featureOn | Array of strings (ReadBusinessPartnerFeatureParam) Features to be used during the read Business Partner. Example: featureOn=FETCH_RECORD |
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- "jurisdiction": {
- "country": {
- "shortName": "CH",
- "value": "Switzerland"
}, - "status": {
- "name": "ACTIVE",
- "technicalKey": "ACTIVE"
], - "categories": [
], - "status": {
- "type": {
- "name": "In Liquidation",
- "technicalKey": "IN_LIQUIDATION"
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- "validFrom": "2025-01-10T08:06:37Z",
- "validUntil": "2025-01-10T08:06:37Z"
}, - "profile": {
- "minorityIndicator": {
- "value": "Social enterprise"
}, - "classifications": [
- {
- "value": "Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical products.",
- "code": "20.20Z",
- "type": {
- "name": "NAF 2003",
- "technicalKey": "NAF 2003"
], - "phoneNumbers": [
- {
- "countryPrefix": "+41",
- "number": "71 571 10 40",
- "type": {
- "name": "FAX",
- "technicalKey": "FAX"
}, - "value": "+41 71 571 10 40"
], - "websites": [
- {
- "type": {
- "name": "Corporate Website",
- "technicalKey": "WEBSITE_TYPE_CORPORATE"
], - "contactEmails": [
- {
- "value": ""
], - "tags": [
- {
- "value": "Warehouse",
- "type": {
- "technicalKey": "WAREHOUSE"
], - "vatPayerStatus": {
- "publicationDate": "2025-01-10T08:06:37Z",
- "status": {
- "name": "RELIABLE",
- "technicalKey": "VAT_PAYER_STATUS"
}, - "registrationAuthority": {
- "registrationAuthorityId": "RA000009",
- "registrationAuthorityEntityId": "RA000009",
- "otherRegistrationAuthorityId": "RA000009"
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- "professionType": {
- "name": "Doctor",
- "technicalKey": "DOCTOR"
}, - "licenseStatus": {
- "name": "Granted",
- "technicalKey": "GRANTED"
}, - "operationalPermissions": [
- {
- "issuingAuthority": "Swiss Medical Association",
- "permissionStatus": {
- "name": "Granted",
- "technicalKey": "GRANTED"
}, - "activityStatus": {
- "name": "Inactive",
- "technicalKey": "INACTIVE"
}, - "practiceLocations": [
- {
- "practiceName": "VIVOMED AG",
- "selfDispensationStatus": {
- "name": null,
- "url": null,
- "technicalKey": null
}, - "controlledSubstancePurchasePermission": {
- "name": null,
- "url": null,
- "technicalKey": null
}, - "relations": [
- {
- "startedAt": "2025-01-10T08:06:37Z",
- "endedAt": "2025-01-10T08:06:37Z",
- "type": {
- "name": "Commercial ultimate",
- "technicalKey": "COMMERCIAL_ULTIMATE"
}, - "class": {
- "name": "CDQ Hierarchy",
}, - "startNode": {
- "externalId": "The ID managed in the customer's SAP systems.",
- "dataSourceId": "648824a691d8d2503d65103e"
}, - "endNode": {
- "externalId": "The ID managed in the customer's SAP systems.",
- "dataSourceId": "648824a691d8d2503d65103e"
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- "name": "Legal Entity",
- "technicalKey": "LEGAL_ENTITY"
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- "technicalKey": "INTERNATIONAL"
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- "value": "John Doe"
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- "value": "CDQ GmbH c/o Product Department"
}, - "contexts": [
- {
- "value": "Production hall 7, Storage field 8."
], - "country": {
- "shortName": "CH",
- "value": "Switzerland"
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- "value": "Sankt Gallen",
- "shortName": "SG",
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- "name": "COUNTY",
- "technicalKey": "COUNTY"
}, - "language": {
- "name": "German",
- "technicalKey": "DE"
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- "value": "9000",
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- "name": "Regular",
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- "language": {
- "name": "German",
- "technicalKey": "DE"
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- {
- "type": {
- "name": "Industrial zone",
- "technicalKey": "INDUSTRIAL_ZONE"
}, - "shortName": "Lukasstr. 4",
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- "name": "Lukasstraße",
- "direction": "221-bis Baker Street, North",
- "language": {
- "name": "German",
- "technicalKey": "DE"
], - "premises": [
- {
- "value": "Lukasstraße 4",
- "shortName": "Lukasstr. 4",
- "number": "4",
- "type": {
- "name": "Factory",
- "technicalKey": "FACTORY"
}, - "language": {
- "name": "German",
- "technicalKey": "DE"
], - "postalDeliveryPoints": [
- {
- "type": {
- "name": "Mailbox",
- "technicalKey": "MAILBOX"
}, - "shortName": "St Gallen, Postfach 460",
- "number": "460",
- "value": "Postfach",
- "language": {
- "name": "German",
- "technicalKey": "DE"
], - "geographicCoordinates": {
- "latitude": "47.439549",
- "longitude": "9.395275"
}, - "types": [
- {
- "name": "Legal Address",
- "technicalKey": "LEGAL_ADDRESS"
], - "bankAccounts": [
- {
- "internationalBankAccountIdentifier": "CH8800781619278412000",
- "internationalBankIdentifier": "KBSGCH22XXX",
- "nationalBankAccountIdentifier": "619278412000",
- "nationalBankIdentifier": "00781",
- "countryCode": "DE",
- "vendorPaymentSummary": {
- "firstPaymentDate": "2025-01-10T08:06:37Z",
- "lastPaymentDate": "2025-01-10T08:06:37Z",
- "numberOfPayments": "1"
], - "externalContext": {
- "identifiers": [
- {
- "value": "7250017031",
- "type": {
- "technicalKey": "KUNNR"
To toggle update monitoring on multiple BusinessPartners, the permission can be changed in two ways:
After the job is finished, the following actions are taken for Business Partners which match the dataSourceId and countryShortName criteria:
For toggling via a list of Business Partners, identified by their ID, please go to Toggle Update Monitoring of Business Partners.
countryShortName | string (CountryShortName) Country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). Example: "CH" |
dataSourceId required | string (BusinessPartnerStorageDataSourceId) Unique identifier for a Data Source of the Storage. Example: "648824a691d8d2503d65103e" |
description | string (JobDescription) Detailed description of a Job. Example: "I started this job to improve quality of our data." |
enable required | boolean (ToggleUpdateMonitoringRequestEnable) Parameter to describe if the Business Partners should be activated for update monitoring (true) or deactivated (false) for non-commercial reference data sources. Example: "true" |
name | string (JobName) Name of a Job. Example: "Process vendor data." |
storageId required | string (BusinessPartnerStorageId) Unique identifier of the Storage. Example: "72d6900fce6b326088f5d9d91049e3e6" |
The sent request is malformed.
{- "enable": "true",
- "storageId": "72d6900fce6b326088f5d9d91049e3e6",
- "name": "Process vendor data.",
- "description": "I started this job to improve quality of our data.",
- "dataSourceId": "648824a691d8d2503d65103e",
- "countryShortName": "CH"
{- "id": "35f23c03-1c22-45fe-9484-3ffe769325de",
- "createdBy": "76248934691294444",
- "createdAt": "2025-01-10T08:06:37Z",
- "modifiedAt": "2025-01-10T08:06:37Z",
- "progress": "77",
- "status": "RUNNING",
- "statusMessage": "The job failed because storage is empty.",
- "enable": "true",
- "storageId": "72d6900fce6b326088f5d9d91049e3e6",
- "dataSourceId": "648824a691d8d2503d65103e",
- "countryShortName": "CH"