Enable Monitoring for a premium Data Source
The Monitoring feature provides the ability to receive notifications of changes that occur to content contained in specific D&B data products and D-U-N-S Numbers.
- Check your CDQ apps account.
Log into the CDQ Cloud Apps
No account?
- If your organization is already a CDQ customer, ask your internal point of contact to create a CDQ dedicated account or request account . Account detail will be sent by email.
- If your organization is not yet a CDQ customer, please contact us to get started.
Step 1. Contract with commercial data provider
The customer needs to have a valid contract with D&B for the desired product.
These are the names of the D&B products:
Step 2. D&B Storage
Customer needs a data storage for the data from external provider.
To check the Storage ID please go to Data Storage Manager:
Step 3. D&B monitoring.
Monitoring needs to be activated on D&B side.
Here is a guidance from D&B describing Monitoring Registration Process
Storage ID needs to be put into the customerReference-Field in Monitoring-form and then this document need to be sent To D&B:
Step 4. D&B credentials
Valid credentials provided by D&B must be configured in Data Source Management.
To configure valid credentials in Data Source Management:
- Enter provided Client ID and password
- Click Save credentials button
- Set Quotas (if needed)
Step 5. Update monitor configuration
Specific Data source needs to be added a Monitoring Source inside the Update Monitoring Configurator App.
Please Note that D&B has various products that can be monitored:
Once monitoring is activated, all records with correct DUNS-ID and external ID will be subscribed to the external monitoring.
Specific Data Mirror must be selected:
- Go to Data Clinic app
- Select Data Source
- Update your Update Monitors by selecting desired reference Data Sources
Step 6. Updates visibility
Incoming business partner updates are visible in the Business Partner Update Browser.
The specific D&B products need to be added in Filter by Provenances.
More details can be checked by clicking Browse Updates.
Your opinion matters!
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